Sunday, October 4, 2009

Journal #5

So I really don't have much to say about Facebook this week, so I got a little help from my friend. Here are some pet peeves I have about FB. 1) the notifications about complete crap I don't care about like "Your new images are here!" 2)the emails that you get updating you that a picture you were tagged in along with 50 other people has been commented on, and 3) the emails you get updating you that a status you commented on has also been commented on by other people that you don't know or care about.

1) I know that you can turn off the notifications that you don't want to see, but every time I try to get rid of every thing that I don't want, something sneaks through. I don't know how! I keep going back and trying to make it just perfect and I still get those annoying notifications. Very pesky indeed!

2) I understand that I do want to be notified if someone I know comments something about me or something that I need to answer, but I hate checking the pictures and seeing someone I don't know saying something about someone I don't know like "omg your face!!!". I don't care about their face. I wish there was a way to make those stop. Especially when five other of their friends then continue to comment like "were you high!?". There should be a "stop updating me" button. If there is something like this, please let me know.

3)Very similar to the previous comment. If I ask someone a question on their status and all of their little friends just keep making stupid comments, I don't care! I, again, wish there was a way to ignore them.

Those are some of my rantings about facebook this week. Maybe next week I'll have more good things to say. Or maybe the friends whose thoughts I ask will.

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