Sunday, October 11, 2009

Journal #6

This weekend has been spent studying facebook. I was trying to think of cool things I could do with my fake facebook before I made it. I was analyzing people's pages to find groups and fan pages that my fake person could be a part of. So I was looking at groups like FUN! and the Allen hall page. I found this group named Random and it was created by a guy in London. I thought it was wonderful and I felt a stupid connection with the rest of the world. I totally expected one of my stupid friends to have been the one to have created the Random site, but instead it was someone I've never met or seen before, on a different continent and he just did something totally random. The idea that people all over the world to stupid crap when they're bored made me feel better. It make me think of an emotional de-baulkinization, because I felt very much NOT alone. I felt like I was part of a very large community.

I also had a fun time this week explaining to my roommate what we had learned about baulkinization and how it can be applied to social networking sites. It totally blew her mind and I really enjoyed sharing it. And now I'm off to go mess with my fake facebook some more. So much fun!

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