Sunday, October 25, 2009

journal #8 October 26

So I’d like to start off this week’s post with a mildly humorous story. This weekend I went home and today (Sunday) I went to see part of my sister’s soccer tournament. Lots of the mom’s there were taking action shots of their kids running around the field. One of the mothers had apparently taken a great photo because a bunch of the moms all started shouting, “you better put that one up on your Facebook”. Oh soccer moms, what would we do without you?

When I went home this weekend I went to check my Facebook on my home computer and the layout was all funky. I thought this was just because I wasn’t used to our PC at home. Sadly it wasn’t the computer Facebook has changed its layout…again. Now everyone had just gotten used to the first layout and is going to complain about the change…again. Really though, why keep changing it if it seems to be functioning fine, why fix what isn’t broken?

Today when I went on Facebook some pictures of my friends showed up in that crazy new-fangled news/live-whatever feed. They were sitting on what looked like that railing outside of foellenger facing the quad. It was a bit washed out so I wasn’t sure if it was the union behind them or not, so I asked if it was the quad and when they were down here. It turns out it was this weekend (they post pictures fast!)And I was home, but now the next time they come down we’re going to hang out. So thank you Facebook for better connecting me with a dairy friend!

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