Saturday, October 10, 2009

Journal #6

Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, that is the agenda for this weekend, so I haven't been able to have much time for facebookin'. So guess what I did, I spent extra long on facebook yesterday to make up for the loss this weekend. Isn't that sad, I'm such a loser. but... not on the topic of me being a loser, I'm going to target this right at Ann! NO FARMVILLE. I have recieved 5 requests for farmville friends in the past two days, this worries me, why are so many people signing up for this terrible terrbile thing, soon they will realize that it is running their lives and become mindless farmville zombies like Ann. Was that too much hate for one sentence? (I don't hate you Ann, I just hate your addiction.)

In other news facebook is becoming even more of an addiction since we started this whole fake person thing, I'm on twice as much, making posts for myself then for someone else, it's intense. But I wont talk about that now I'll save it for the prompt that I will probably be writing very soon, if something better doesn't come up... which it won't.

Facebook ad update, first one to pop up is for e-Harmony, why does facebook think I am so lonely, is it because they know I don't have a dog anymore?

I'm not gonna lie I just got distracted by facebook looking at photos that I have already looked at before. Oh this is depressing, I would take a break from facebook but I can't because I'm in a class about it, thats my excuse and I'm sticking with it!

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