Monday, September 14, 2009

Prompt #3: Social Capital September 21

Hello 199ers,

For this weeks prompt please follow this link to the application on Facebook that generates "Facts About Me." Copy and paste the output into your response. How do you feel about these results?

Finally, do you think you could put a number on how much money you are worth in the Facebook network? That is to say, how valuable are you to Facebook? To your network? Do you think others out there are more or less valuable than yourself? Why?


norton60014 said...

According to I have 147 friends, 27 more than average. 33% are male, 67% are female. 71 are single, 52 are dating or married. If I contracted a deadly variant of flu, I would likely infect 9 people, 1 of whom would die. If... I died today, an estimated 374 people would try to attend my funeral. Based on my Facebook profile, I have a 89% probability of getting married. I am likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.1 children over my lifetime. Read More

I feel like this is accurate to a point. I will not have any children, and I certainly hope to earm more than 2.7 million in my lifetime. That being said I probably do have an 89% possibility of getting married. But I certainly don't think that 300+ people would show up to my funeral considering I'm not going to have one, I am donating my body to a body farm. But they could mourn a nice picture of me if they felt so inclined. I truly enjoyed this application, it amused me immensly

Emily said...

Wow, my results are very similar to norton60014's. Very, very similar. They are as follows:

"You have 174 friends, 54 more than average. 31% are male, 69% are female. 77 are single, 44 are dating or married. If you contracted a deadly variant of flu, you would likely infect 10 people, 1 of whom would die. If you died today, an estimated 387 people would try to attend your funeral. Based on your Facebook profile, you have a 90% probability of getting married. You are likely to earn US$3.6 million and have 2.2 children over your lifetime."

Overall, I feel these results don't show very much. I'm not surprised that most of my Facebook friends are female, as most of my acquaintances in real life are. The marriage statistic also seems reasonable. However, the 2.2 children statistic is an overestimate, as is the number of people who would attend my funeral. I just don't think those are kinds of questions that an analysis of my Facebook statistics could accurately reveal.

As to how much money I'm worth in the Facebook network, it's probably less than average since my Facebook activity level is less than average. I almost never post original material to Facebook groups, nor do I participate in discussions. The only valuable thing I bring to Facebook is a few photo albums, but even those aren't so valuable since many other members have similar albums. If we're talking about value in terms of money, does that have to do with how popular my pages are, or maybe how much I visit other pages (for making money through advertisements)? In any case, since I use Facebook less than average, I'm probably less valuable than a lot of other people in the Facebook network.

Sara S said...

Based on statistical analysis of your profile, you have a 93% probability of getting married. You are likely to earn US$3.6 million and have 2.5 children over your lifetime. You are likely to die at the age of 78. An estimated 877 people will try to attend your funeral.

These were my results. I think I might have done this before, and that's wy they don't the my friends stats. I think.
I think this is pretty accurate for my life. Late 70s to early 80s has been the lifetime of most of my grand parents, I think it's sweet that so many people are estimated to come to my funeral, and based on my long term relationship with my boyfriend, I'd say the marriage stat makes sense too.

I'm not sure about the value thing. I would say I am now worth $20 on facebook because I'm no longer in charge of any facebook groups, I just use them, and all the people I talk to on Facebook could probably just talk to me another way, or talk to someone else.

Unknown said...

Based on statistical analysis of your profile, you have a 90% probability of getting married. You are likely to earn US$3.6 million and have 2.2 children over your lifetime. You are likely to die at the age of 78. An estimated 644 people will try to attend your funeral.

The fact that I don't become "unstuck in time" makes this app just perfectly disappointing. Way to slice my life down to three shallow extrapolations of how generic my life will be. Maybe typing my name and age in the death clock will make me feel better about myself. Still, the fast this these "results" were generated out of raw data extracted from my account annoys me. I can understand how they can generate a financial figure from how many people are in my network, but I still hold skeptical of marriage and children.

The idea of value on a Facebook network makes absolutely no sense to me. People don't work hours on end, constantly annoy people whom they barely know to build some superficial "value" on FB. At least I hope they don't.

I'm still wondering what that .2 of a child will be like. Thanks alot, intelligent design.

Greg said...

Stats About You:
Based on statistical analysis of your profile, you have a 93% probability of getting married. You are likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.5 children over your lifetime. You are likely to die at the age of 78. An estimated 862 people will try to attend your funeral.

I'm not really sure what to make of these statistics. 78 sees like a good age, I get a nice little boost past the avg male life expectancy, so that's nice.

I don't think I'm that valuable in my facebook network; though, out of my good friends, I tend to be on facebook more often than most of the people I know. And I tend to e a group-maker or event-planner too, so maybe that increases my value to my network?

Brendan said...

(brendan m)
According to the app,
I will have an 88% chance of getting married, $2.7 million in lifetime earnings, will die at 78, have 2 kids, and 532 people will attend my funeral.

I'm not even going to try and contest these "statistics."
There's no way for me to accurately contest them, or support them. I don't even know how much I agree with my own profile, much less how my life will end up based on it. Not to mention I don't care about money...
the kids thing is probably accurate. I'll agree with that. But how do I know if I'll agree with that twenty years down the road?

I am worth nothing to Facebook. If Facebook were a country, I'd be a ward of the state. I do nothing to contribute except go on once every few days, to check on my friends outside of Illinois. I am using facebook less now than I ever have (since I have joined.)

Ann said...

Based on statistical analysis of your profile, you have a 91% probability of getting married. You are likely to earn US$3.6 million and have 2.3 children over your lifetime. You are likely to die at the age of 78. An estimated 773 people will try to attend your funeral.
I don’t know why I didn’t get the other stat, I tried to get them but I just got sent back to this one. Honestly I don’t really think there is any logical way for Facebook to come up with this sort of thing. The marriage thing? I mean Facebook doesn’t know about anything that’s going on in your life other than, well, what you put on Facebook. And the amount of money you’ll make has no basis; it doesn’t know what your job is going to be. Basically I just think it’s a bunch of silly stats that have no foundation; they’re just there to entertain you.
As for how much I’m worth to Facebook, I’d say little to none. I mean, I’ve started groups I have a massive amount of photos online but if all of a sudden “Ann Treadwell” was erased from Facebook I don’t think Facebook as a whole would notice. It’s become such a huge following that I think the only ones who would notice would probably just be some friends who I have tagged in upwards of fifty pictures.

Ann said...

Journal #3 September 21st

This week I LOVED Facebook, because it made me feel special. Yes I know I sound like a loser, but on your birthday Facebook is fun. I got lots of birthday wishes from family and my friends from high school, so that was fun. Other than that bit of joy nothing else Facebook-wise has really been entertaining. The only reason I really went on Facebook this week was to respond to my friend savannah’s thread, and that devil’s game FARMVILLE! It’s so addicting and mindless sometimes I just can’t help it. The more I seem to write these journals the more I realize I don’t really do much of anything on Facebook. Besides, hanging out with friends is a lot more fun in person.

Disha said...

My Life Statistics
Based on statistical analysis of my profile, I have a 93% probability of getting married. I am likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.5 children over my lifetime. I am likely to die at the age of 78. An estimated 882 people will try to attend my funeral.

I personally think that these results are sham! They are very unofficial and just made to entertain the quiz taker. I've taken many random quizzes like these and they are just phony. There's no way I am going to earn 2.7 million dollars and have 2.5 children. The results are not even realistic. Personally, I like taking quizzes that have realistic outcomes and many of the facebook quizzes are there to play mind tricks.

I personally don't think I could put a lot of money on myself. This is because I don't contribute to facebook enough to make a difference in my network or my friends. There are definitely others out there that are more valuable to facebook because they participate a lot. I have a friend that spends hours on facebook everyday and contributes to a lot of group discussions and creates things for facebook herself. She would definitely have a lot of value in facebook and in her network.