Tuesday, September 29, 2009

joiurnal 4 (make up)

I went on facebook tonight to look at some videos a friend had posted from a leadership training camp I was at two summers ago.

One of the things I enjoy most about FB is that -- it's sort of a memory catalog of things. College has been by far the most formative and enjoyable four years of my life, and as I get closer and closer to leaving I really love having the ability to look back at pictures, videos, and even old wall-to-walls.

Then I found out that a friend of mine from home at school in Oregon is involved in a branch there of the same RSO that I am involved in here, which was a really cool discovery! So I IMed him and we caught up (and talked about a mutual third friend who is now a freshmen here). We reminisced a bit about "the old days" (I'm old enough to have them, being a senior and all...) -- more of the same connection to community that I love about FB.

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