Sunday, September 27, 2009

Journal #4

This evening, I got a friend request from a girl I didn't know. I don't recognize her face or her name. This girl seems to be three grades younger than I am, and apparently, we have 43 mutual friends from my high school. I accepted the girl's friend request to check out who she was, but it baffles me. What was going through her head when she decided to send the request to a girl she obviously doesn't know? Did she realize that I'm a college student now? (Not to be snobby, but my point is that we don't even share the same school anymore.) I could understand it if maybe I once had any class with this girl, or she once sat a lunch table with me, or we once attended a club meeting together. But not only do I not know this girl, I don't even know of her. Oh, well!

In other news, my best invited me to be his Farm Town neighbor today. *sigh* I can't believe Farm Town has reached him! It's spreading so fast, I don't feel safe anymore. I haven't accepted his request to add the application. It was annoying enough when he reported the status of his grape harvest to me during our phone conversation. Actually, it wasn't truly annoying, but I just couldn't wrap my head around it, around the fact that such a game could be so addictive. Even my roommate seems to be managing her Facebook farm every time I turn around. Perhaps I will have to try this application and see for myself what the appeal is. But I really shouldn't since I can't afford to waste the time! Facebook is addictive enough as it is without applications and games on top of it.

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