Sunday, September 20, 2009

journal #3

(brendan m)
The more I think about it, I am not really using Facebook.

I am using the messaging, and the linksharing, but I'm not really being that social.
I've posted twice in a week.
Two posts.
Maybe more, probably not.

I think Facebook usage mirrors the amount of distanced relationships you are experiencing in life very closely. In Allen hall, everybody is just a few feet away. Over the summer, my friends are much farther, so Facebook is used a lot more.

I really don't care what other people think about Kanye, or what color they are, or whatnot.
I want to know what they think about subjects that, frankly, would be too boring, too unworthwhile, or too personal to post.

Three examples: computer programming, non-euclidean geometry, and kantian philosophy.

Nobody would talk to me anymore if I started posting about this stuff!
Facebook, imho, is too trivial. Of course, people scoffed at the idea of internet dating, and now it's no longer taboo....

Maybe there will be online psycology clinics and family counseling in the near future....

So I should get cracking on peer-to-peer modern day intellectual societies.

Or play Nintendo. I'll do that.

It all stems from lack of motivation.

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