Friday, September 18, 2009

Journal #3

So this has been another week where I really haven't been able to get online a lot, and I've only been on FB today since probably Sunday. What has my life been missing without FB this week? Well, not much really. Since I've been on today, I looked at my boyfriend's profile and found out that he might want to double major. I totally missed that tasty little tidbit this week. I FB chatted with my cousin in Virginia. I've been meaning to call her all week, so it was very nice to finally get a second to talk to her. Besides these two things, I really haven't missed much this week. So I worry, has FB become just another responsibility like email and all the other cyber assignments? I don't like how I feel like I have to check my FB because people use it as a reliable way of contacting me. I'm starting to get to the point where FB is no longer just a fun way to keep in contact with my friends, but more of a stressor in my life. And how do we put FB back into the prospective of it being just a fun site? By only using it infrequently and not making yourself reliable via FB. So maybe that's what I'll do! Maybe my problem has become my solution.

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