Sunday, September 20, 2009

Journal #3

Sometimes I wonder how many people really use the "poke" feature on Facebook, seriously. This is the story of how I started using it: Once upon a time, I decided to poke my sister just to be cute. Then, she poked me back. Then, I poked her back. It was similar when my boyfriend first set up his Facebook account, discovered the poke feature, and tried it out on me. He poked me first, then I poked him back, and now we do it every day. It's impossible to stop now that we've started this chain.

On my Facebook homepage, on the right-hand side, there are always links that need to be attended to. Whenever I get friend invitations, group invitations, etc., there is a notification on the sidebar. For some reason, I can never ignore those notifications; I have to respond. Now, every time I am poked by my sister and my boyfriend, I get notifications on the side of the page. And now, for the rest of my life (or until Facebook changes its notification scheme), I will be obligated to click the Poke Back link on the right side of my homepage every single day, for no apparent reason. Then they will get notifications that I've poked them, and they'll have to poke me back. We simply cannot stop poking each other. It's such a chore, so completely pointless, but we can't help but to do it. Urgh!

Anyway, that's just one little Facebook habit of mine that I decided to write about this week. The end!

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