Saturday, September 26, 2009

Journal #4 Sept. 26

I dunno, I have been on facebook so much this week and it seems like I haven't done anything: I didn't chat, I guess I drew some graffiti for my sis, and wrote on maybe two people's walls. Facebook is just my go-to site when I'm bored or don't want to write those pesky papers that still need to get done. I just automatically type in when I don't have anything to do. I'm pretty sure that I can type faster than I can type my name.

ready... set... go

KAtherine Norton

Oh yeah, I'm super slow at typing my name, depressing. although I did spell out the whole thing.
I can definitely type Kaiser Chiefs faster than anything else though and this is true.
WAIT! i just remembered that i discovered some new music on facebook this week and that throughly made my day. That being said I can't wait for the new Bravery album. no, nobody else, thats okay more for me.

Thanks facebook for getting me through another week. You're a gem!

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