Sunday, September 20, 2009

Journal #3

As usual, I have succeeded in keep my Facebook usage down to a mere minimum of my web browsing. Apart from my usual poking around on other peoples profiles, I have been running into unpreferable events, such as having incredibly distant friends contact me on too personal of levels. The one example of this for which I can share holds major relevance with the abundance of FB Apps which allows a user to create photographic charts of their friends and their profile pictures, and then assign quirky adjectives just above their avatar, like "funny", or "quiet", or "cute", or "beautiful". The most common name for the the application I've heard is "Friends Review", if one must look it up. Anyways, I cannot say I was very amused when my sister's friend, a girl of only 14 years of age who I have only had 4-5 encounters with in my entire life, tagged me as "cute", then "nice" in two separate images. Not very amusing at all, whatsoever. If I should think of this as anything and ignore my tendency to ignore things like this, it is just troublesome. And it made for one very awkward conversation with my sister over the phone, reminding her that I don't really need that kind of support right now.

Enough Facebook for one week, if I should say.

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