Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Journal #1 September 8

Well lets see....I have been on facebook for the past few hours and I don't know why I am so hooked. I have been on the site and I am like wow all this fun stuff and a lot of new friends and people to talk to. I mostly communicate with my friends but as of lately I've been moving along to people I didn't even know I had as friends. I don't know how you guys' facebooking experiences are but mine are somewhat weird. I get random invites from people who seem to know me, but the feeling is most likely not mutual. But I just add them and the case is solved, because I generally get a good answer as to how they know I exist and who they know me from. I only log onto to facebook from two locations; my iPhone and my laptop. I log on at random moments even if I don't have messages or comments I still find a way to make it new and interesting. It can be times when I am doing online homework and the phrase or name or whatever you wanna call it "facebook" bounces around in my mind and I just cannot stop thinking about it. The reason why I even devote my time to facebook is because I like it. Its like an online world where you can be free to express who you are and restrict what people may see. In real life you can restrict what others may see, but to a certain extent. I guess the privacy, independence, and free leisure is what attracts me.......that and the fact you can poke people lol.

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