Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prompt #4 September 27

yay i finally can post with everyone else!!

I am super excited for this week’s journal for two reasons both having to do with “the Sandage Symposium”. The Sandage Symposium was basically a conference this Saturday for advertising alumni, faculty, and some students to honor the 50th anniversary of the college of advertising and hear speakers on different advertising related topics. One that came up was privacy, and the panelists were discussing the ads on the side of your Facebook pages. You know those creepy ads that always seem to be geared right towards your interests. For example I get lots of T-Shirt website ads because I love t-shirts, and I frequent those websites a lot. The panelists were discussing whether they believed Facebook was breaking any privacy laws or if it was ethical to do to the consumer. It was really interesting because I do think it’s pretty creepy how they know what websites I got to so they know what to advertise for but sometimes there are ads that are actually helpful. But the point was brought up what if multiple people use the same computer and “inappropriate” things come up for other, younger, users. In the end I guess I would lean towards Facebook not being able to creep on you, cause that’s well CREEPY (even though in the future that may inhibit my career).
My second reason for my excitement is because since the symposium was nearly TWELVE HOURS LONG I got to spend a lot of time with some pretty cool people that are sophomores and juniors in the advertising program, and I can now keep in contact with them via Facebook, whoot!
So thank you facebook for creepin’ and letting me keep in contact with people who can give me guidance in the crazy world of advertising.

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