Thursday, September 10, 2009

Prompt #2

Hey all,

Sorry this is so late.

For this weeks prompt I would like you to spy on your friends :) I have a series of questions, feel free to dig deeply into all of these:

How many friends do you have? What networks are they in? What networks are you in? How many friends do your friends have? Is your network inherently "better" than theirs? Do your "group" memberships make you feel more a part of something?

Again as always this is due by 1pm on Monday September14.


norton60014 said...

I have 145 friends, now I know that is low for facebook standards, but they are all people that i actually know. I don't accept those crazy people that just want to be your friend because they remotely know someone that I know. Whatever.
The networks I am in are the Chicago network, and the U of I class of 2013. What else is there to be a part of?
Oh my friends, they are so crazy, some of them have friends in the 400's, I'm like the unpopular person that hangs around the popular kids. I definitely have the lowest number of friends of all my friends. Except for the people that just got thier facebooks a few weeks ago. But I have a feeling that those numbers will soon skyrocket.
Well, I have to say that being in the U of I network has a certain respect associated with it. I mean you have to get into this school to be in that network, and thats quite an achievement. And obviously I think my school is WAY better than any of the other schools out there that they belong to, otherwise a I would have gone to those schools.
No, I can't say that my group memberships make me feel more like a part of something, although it would really help because thats what I'm writing my RHET paper about right now. But I don't really join all those stupid groups like "Fans of waking up late" or "Don't you hate it when it rains and you forgot your umberella at home." LAME! For some that might be the case, but I would rather hang out with my real friends than people that have the same interests as me on the computer.

Emily said...

I currently have 176 friends, and most of them are in both my old high school network and one of various college networks, the most common ones being Illinois Central, Illinois State, UIllinois, and Eureka. Of my 176 friends, only 35 of them belong to the UIllinois network. Still, that's interesting because I don't actually have 35 real friends on campus right now, more like 3-5.

On average, my Facebook friends have over two times as many friends as I do. The average friend count of everyone whose status updates appeared on my homepage was 390, which is 2.2 times my own friend count of 176. It's not that my friends are in more networks than I am, but they do have a lot more friends within each of their networks. Like me, my Facebook friends tend to belong to just two networks, usually one from high school and one from college.

To answer the last two questions, no, I don't feel my UIllinois network is inherently better than my friends' networks. Obviously I'm more loyal to my own school. However, my group membership in the UIllinois Facebook network does not make me feel like a part of something in the same way my group membership at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign does. I am proud to belong to this university in the real world, but I don’t feel any special connection to the people in this online social networking group.

Disha said...

I have 473 friends. Most of them are on the Vernon Hills High School network because that was where I went to high school. Now my class of '09 has joined different networks since we all go to different universities. The other network that I have a lot of friends from is the UIUC network. I am only in two networks: Vernon Hills High School and UIllinois '13. My network is not inherently better than theirs. All the networks are the same in end. There is nothing special about my networks.
Only a few group memberships make me feel apart of something special. The University of Illinois Class of 2013 group makes me feel special and another group that is made to stay connected with my high school friends makes me feel special. I am also part of some really pointless groups. They don't really have much impact. When I first got a facebook during my sophomore year in high school, i became obsessed with joining groups because it was so much fun. The stuff they said were really funny too. I got over that phase and now it doesn't really matter for me.

Sara S said...

I have 469 friends. A lot of them are from my high school network, a few are from UIUC network, and then a lot are from Pioneer Drum and Bugle Corps, which has no network, only a group. Most of my friends have between 200-400 friends, although a couple have over 500. So I'm in a lot of civil right type groups, and then groups with my activities. My friends from different activities are in different groups depending on how I know them. A lot of my drama friends are in drama related groups, drum corps friends are in a lot of drum corps groups, etc. I don't think any differently about my friends unless they're in ridiculous political groups like, "Re-elect Bush" or some other Bolshevik. I find that looking at others groups makes me feel closer to them because we share so many interests. That is what my stalking has produced.

Greg said...

Okay, so I have 452 friends. I don't know about networks, but *most* are in the UIllinois network with me, which I joined way back in the day when I was a wee freshman. I'm in that network and I think the Chicago network. I don't really think about networks a lot or at all, and I don't think most of my friends do either, so I wouldn't say my network is better than anyone, unless said person is in the OSU or Michigan network.

Most of my friends have similar numbers of FB friends. I just did a random sampling of the last 6 people to write on my wall: lowest 200, highest 800, most around 400-500 range. Most of my friends and I have around 100 or so mutual friends. We roll deep.

I love group memberships! I try only to join groups that I really enjoy being a part of or that reflect some sort of membership in something in the real world that I highly value.

treadwe1 said...

I have 333 friends, which honestly I think is ridiculous. I’ve recently been introduced to the “delete” button, but I kind of feel bad deleting people, even if I don’t ever talk to them. One of my friends has 851 Facebook friends. She is the kind of girl who is friendly and nice to everyone, so when I went to look for one of my friends with the most friends I knew she would be a safe bet. The lowest I fount was my aunt, with 22 friends, which is kind of cool because most of her friends are relatives who live out of state so she can keep in contact with them. Most of the people I’m friends with on Facebook are in networks for their school, most prominently my high school, Prairie Ridge. In addition to the high school network similarity most of my friends who went to college are now in their college’s network. I’m in my high school’s network, Prairie Ridge, and the UIllinois network. I’ve considered being a part of my hometown’s network, because I’ve lived there all my life, but I thought that might be kind of silly now that I’m technically living here in Urbana. I don’t think my network is better than anyone else’s; it’s just the way I am connected to the other people on Facebook. As for my group memberships they kind of do make me feel a part of something. I’m part of one group “camping in tents” and I signed a petition to help keep national parks from closing, it makes me feel like I can actually make a difference. Others not so much but it’s just like trying to make a big world feel smaller and more connected.

treadwe1 said...

So... i still cant figure out how to make a post.

Journal #2, September 14th

So lately Facebook has been very helpful to me. I’ve been trying to co-ordinate some friends from home to meet up to go to a concert at the end of October (that I found out about from face book’s music application) and Facebook messages have been a key part in this. Although every time I send my friend a message the timestamp on it is two hours previous. So apparently Facebook thinks I’m living in the past, haha. Another praise I have for Facebook this time is photo albums. I LOVE taking photos; my memory is not always the greatest so I like to take lots of pictures to document all the crazy things my friends and I get into. For example this weekend we decided it would be funny to duct tape our friend’s mattress to his ceiling. IT WAS, and thanks to Facebook upon reading this you all can go on my page and join in on the hilarity. So this week I would just like to say “thanks F-book”.

Brendan said...

I have 41 friends.
Lemme explain, as there are several reasons:
I really don't use facebook as a social replacement, it complements my interactions with those I spend time with already.

I'm not in many groups or networks either... My friends have a lot though. My friends on average have a lot more friends themselves, having used FB more and probably being on it much more than I am.

I started using FB a year ago, at that point it became an inevitability that I would get it. It has sort of become the social norm, and finally I gave in.

I don't feel any connection to the Uillinois group is better than another group, as I don't really have a school spirit in real life either. I'm not proud of going to Illinois especially, it's more like I have fulfillment for going to a school with the credentials of Illinois.

I'm really cautious of using FB as a replacement to real life, and my two closest friends don't really use it either, so it's sorta my credo to not get too involved.