Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Journal #5 Sept. 30

I know it is quite early to be writing my journal for the week, but I would rather write this than my Faith and Self in a Global Context paper.

So ever since last class I have been really looking at the ads that pop up on my facebook; and true to what they are supposed to do I was drawn in by things that I enjoy, like ads for HP and Dell, some Best Buy stuff, and Gamestop, music and such. Then I refreshed my page to see what else it would come up with and sure enough there they were: all three ads on the page were for over 40 dating sites. The first was an ad for Big and Beautif Singles! With a picture an over 50 couple embracing on a cliff somewhere. The next was just an ad that said DATE SENIOR MEN! OMG what did I do to get these ads! The last one was for Want Local Romance? With a picture of a middle aged man with a streak of gray runnign through his hair. GRRRRRRR if anyone is doubting me on this I called Sara into the room and she saw them, I also snapped a photo of the screen, it's an epidemic. I started deleting them like crazy, yet they still show up.

I have no idea what cookies I've been eating to get these ads on my profile. Before I knew that the ads were tailored directly for me I didn't mind them, I just thought there must be a lot of lonely single people over 40 on facebook. But now that I know it really bothers me that facebook thinks that I want that.

Okay rant complete, I'm sorry you all had to go through this with me.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

joiurnal 4 (make up)

I went on facebook tonight to look at some videos a friend had posted from a leadership training camp I was at two summers ago.

One of the things I enjoy most about FB is that -- it's sort of a memory catalog of things. College has been by far the most formative and enjoyable four years of my life, and as I get closer and closer to leaving I really love having the ability to look back at pictures, videos, and even old wall-to-walls.

Then I found out that a friend of mine from home at school in Oregon is involved in a branch there of the same RSO that I am involved in here, which was a really cool discovery! So I IMed him and we caught up (and talked about a mutual third friend who is now a freshmen here). We reminisced a bit about "the old days" (I'm old enough to have them, being a senior and all...) -- more of the same connection to community that I love about FB.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Prompt #5: The Global Village due October 5

For this week's prompt please read the following speech presented by Al Gore:

Please review your initial reactions about the speech. Do you think he has a valid point? Is it realistic or too rosy? How do you feel about our progress as a globe knowing this speech was delivered almost 15 years ago? Do you think that social networking helps or hinders a "global information infrastructure?"

If this concept interests you, feel free to find out more information at:

Do note this is probably the only reading I will assign all semester. Although it may seem long it really isn't. It is a speech. Please spend the 20 minutes reading it and reflecting upon it as we will be discussing your reactions in class.

journal #4

(brendan m)

I think in the future, facebook will slow down with the influx of new users in the 18-24 demographic. We're a rather capricious lot, and an anti-social networking fad could pick up just as fast as facebook.

With a large online population, but no resurgence of usual networkers, Facebook might have to rethink their strategy. I predict in the future Facebook will tailor new features to certain age groups- with the digital integration of kids that I see everywhere, I wouldn't doubt that a kid-friendly outlet is possible. All the time I see ten year olds with wheeled shoes, grasping game boys and cell phones while texting in public. That was unprecedented a few years ago.

But that's just my humble opinion. Maybe Facebook is like Pokemon, making money off of Americans ten years from its intoduction. Something tells me that the information age and globalization are inevitabilities, so social networking will never really disappear...

It'll most likely keep up with the times.

Journal #4 September 28

Today, I learned how annoying and unresponsive facebook chat is. I was having a conversation with a friend, and it took forever to send my instant messages. My friend was getting very irritated as well. He kept thinking that I didn't want to talk to him and that I was bailing on him. That was definitely not the case. The facebook chat kept losing its connection. This helped me realize how unreliable facebook chat is. It can even cause drama, which is something no one wants. It's also great when sometimes I accidently sign off of facebook by exing out of it, especially when I am having a conversation with someone. That person ends up feeling ditched. That feeling is clearly no good. I end up feeling that when I am having a conversation with someone and he or she decides to sign off with out telling me. Facebook chat seems very unreliable and I personally think it is better to use AIM or Skype. That is one thing that facebook fails to make everyone happy about.
Another interesting thing I did today on facebook was change some statuses. My friend was on my laptop and on his facebook. He forgot to sign off and so I decided to play around with his facebook status and even have a conversation with a friend. It was quite entertaining talking to someone who believed to be someone else. This definitely brings up privacy issues. It is a good thing that I would not cause any harm at all, and it is also very important to sign off of your facebook before leaving the computer.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prompt #4 September 27

yay i finally can post with everyone else!!

I am super excited for this week’s journal for two reasons both having to do with “the Sandage Symposium”. The Sandage Symposium was basically a conference this Saturday for advertising alumni, faculty, and some students to honor the 50th anniversary of the college of advertising and hear speakers on different advertising related topics. One that came up was privacy, and the panelists were discussing the ads on the side of your Facebook pages. You know those creepy ads that always seem to be geared right towards your interests. For example I get lots of T-Shirt website ads because I love t-shirts, and I frequent those websites a lot. The panelists were discussing whether they believed Facebook was breaking any privacy laws or if it was ethical to do to the consumer. It was really interesting because I do think it’s pretty creepy how they know what websites I got to so they know what to advertise for but sometimes there are ads that are actually helpful. But the point was brought up what if multiple people use the same computer and “inappropriate” things come up for other, younger, users. In the end I guess I would lean towards Facebook not being able to creep on you, cause that’s well CREEPY (even though in the future that may inhibit my career).
My second reason for my excitement is because since the symposium was nearly TWELVE HOURS LONG I got to spend a lot of time with some pretty cool people that are sophomores and juniors in the advertising program, and I can now keep in contact with them via Facebook, whoot!
So thank you facebook for creepin’ and letting me keep in contact with people who can give me guidance in the crazy world of advertising.

Journal #4

This evening, I got a friend request from a girl I didn't know. I don't recognize her face or her name. This girl seems to be three grades younger than I am, and apparently, we have 43 mutual friends from my high school. I accepted the girl's friend request to check out who she was, but it baffles me. What was going through her head when she decided to send the request to a girl she obviously doesn't know? Did she realize that I'm a college student now? (Not to be snobby, but my point is that we don't even share the same school anymore.) I could understand it if maybe I once had any class with this girl, or she once sat a lunch table with me, or we once attended a club meeting together. But not only do I not know this girl, I don't even know of her. Oh, well!

In other news, my best invited me to be his Farm Town neighbor today. *sigh* I can't believe Farm Town has reached him! It's spreading so fast, I don't feel safe anymore. I haven't accepted his request to add the application. It was annoying enough when he reported the status of his grape harvest to me during our phone conversation. Actually, it wasn't truly annoying, but I just couldn't wrap my head around it, around the fact that such a game could be so addictive. Even my roommate seems to be managing her Facebook farm every time I turn around. Perhaps I will have to try this application and see for myself what the appeal is. But I really shouldn't since I can't afford to waste the time! Facebook is addictive enough as it is without applications and games on top of it.

Journal #4

One of the most challenging aspects of maintaining this weekly blog has to be the fact that I actually need to start integrating FB with my daily internet routine. Out of the entire interwebs to choose from, FB seems just too stagnant of a website to uphold my standards of online entertainment. Just where will I find videos of Obama calling Kanye West a jackass, sexist Canadian beer commercials and bad singers being spontaneously hit by a paraglider? No on Facebook, that is. While it is incredibly nice to keep up on how friends and family are doing, one must realize that this is the internet we are talking about here. Even though this is much more of a real-life social network, this isn't the weekly Baptist Church Pancake Breakfast.

Yet then again, many parts of the internet are best left unconnected to the innocence of Facebook. This one application which YouTube prompted for me to add posts all the videos I favorite in YouTube on to my FB wall. At first I thought it was a pretty neat idea since I like to keep a hobby of scrounging for the most unique videos in the wasteland of Youtube crap, but soon I realized many of those videos were far from inappropriate to be posted publicly on my wall. Even the anime videos would freak most out.

Journal #4

My best friend and roommate has a beef with all of those who play Farm Ville. She has been playing Farm Town for over a year and everybody used to make fun of her for it. Now Farm Town has been renamed Farm Ville and everybody and their mom is playing it. And she's like, "what the crap???" Why is it that Farm Town just had to change its name to be more popular, and why did it work? Facebook is an odd place for sure. But anyway, Serena refuses to play Farm Ville and gets mad whenever anybody asks her to play.

In other news, I was just asked to play Farkle for the first time. May I just ask, what is Farkle??? Who honestly has time to play all of these games on FB? I spend all my time doing homework and having yet another thing that I could be doing besides homework would not help me at all. I always say no. I feel like there are a ton of fun things on FB that I'm missing, but I just can't let myself get addicted to time wasting things.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Journal #4 Sept. 26

I dunno, I have been on facebook so much this week and it seems like I haven't done anything: I didn't chat, I guess I drew some graffiti for my sis, and wrote on maybe two people's walls. Facebook is just my go-to site when I'm bored or don't want to write those pesky papers that still need to get done. I just automatically type in when I don't have anything to do. I'm pretty sure that I can type faster than I can type my name.

ready... set... go

KAtherine Norton

Oh yeah, I'm super slow at typing my name, depressing. although I did spell out the whole thing.
I can definitely type Kaiser Chiefs faster than anything else though and this is true.
WAIT! i just remembered that i discovered some new music on facebook this week and that throughly made my day. That being said I can't wait for the new Bravery album. no, nobody else, thats okay more for me.

Thanks facebook for getting me through another week. You're a gem!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Prompt #4: Real Capital due September 29

What is your overall relationship to Facebook ads? Have you ever clicked on one of the Facebook ads? Why? Why not? Do any of the ads bother you? Why? Why not? Would you use Facebook if you had to pay for it?

Journal #4

Well I have been on facebook non stop for the past few days. I’ve been on there to talk to friends and family on occasions. It’s just one thing about facebook that gets on my nerves to a certain point, and that is the fact that when you comment on anything someone may post you receive an e-mail saying that another person, someone you may or may not know, has also commented on what you commented on. This really grinds my gears( lol Peter Griffin- Family Guy). I like being informed but its tiresome to have your email filled with messages that aren’t even important to you, hence spam. But yea I love facebook right now all because I like talking to people and having like eight conversations going on at the same time. And plus I am the male version of the facebook whore all because I whore around on there. But yea facebook is cool thanks Mark Zuckerberg for making something I can really enjoy, besides a video game.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Journal #3 September 21

Something interesting I've noticed about Facebook is the correlation between the status updates and television. Many of my Facebook friends like to update on current events that occur on television. This was seen during the VMAs. While I watching the VMAs, I went on Facebook and noticed a great amount of updates on Kanye West's attack on Taylor Swift. Many people had different versions of the same update: Kanye is an idiot. I realized that I could choose to do the same with my status or choose to be a little bit different by changing my status to completely irrelevant to the event on the VMAs. It was hilarious to see how everyone was watching the VMAs and changing their statuses instantly. We can also see how Facebook is important to the television industry. I was incredibly amused by the status updates that night.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Journal #3

Sometimes I wonder how many people really use the "poke" feature on Facebook, seriously. This is the story of how I started using it: Once upon a time, I decided to poke my sister just to be cute. Then, she poked me back. Then, I poked her back. It was similar when my boyfriend first set up his Facebook account, discovered the poke feature, and tried it out on me. He poked me first, then I poked him back, and now we do it every day. It's impossible to stop now that we've started this chain.

On my Facebook homepage, on the right-hand side, there are always links that need to be attended to. Whenever I get friend invitations, group invitations, etc., there is a notification on the sidebar. For some reason, I can never ignore those notifications; I have to respond. Now, every time I am poked by my sister and my boyfriend, I get notifications on the side of the page. And now, for the rest of my life (or until Facebook changes its notification scheme), I will be obligated to click the Poke Back link on the right side of my homepage every single day, for no apparent reason. Then they will get notifications that I've poked them, and they'll have to poke me back. We simply cannot stop poking each other. It's such a chore, so completely pointless, but we can't help but to do it. Urgh!

Anyway, that's just one little Facebook habit of mine that I decided to write about this week. The end!

journal #3

(brendan m)
The more I think about it, I am not really using Facebook.

I am using the messaging, and the linksharing, but I'm not really being that social.
I've posted twice in a week.
Two posts.
Maybe more, probably not.

I think Facebook usage mirrors the amount of distanced relationships you are experiencing in life very closely. In Allen hall, everybody is just a few feet away. Over the summer, my friends are much farther, so Facebook is used a lot more.

I really don't care what other people think about Kanye, or what color they are, or whatnot.
I want to know what they think about subjects that, frankly, would be too boring, too unworthwhile, or too personal to post.

Three examples: computer programming, non-euclidean geometry, and kantian philosophy.

Nobody would talk to me anymore if I started posting about this stuff!
Facebook, imho, is too trivial. Of course, people scoffed at the idea of internet dating, and now it's no longer taboo....

Maybe there will be online psycology clinics and family counseling in the near future....

So I should get cracking on peer-to-peer modern day intellectual societies.

Or play Nintendo. I'll do that.

It all stems from lack of motivation.

Journal 4, September 20

I have been on facebook a lot today. For one thing, I've got a paper I have to work on and I have been trying to avoid it. But there have been a lot of football games this weekend, and I have been on FB keeping up with friends at rival schools and/or rival NFL teams. So that's been fun. I enjoy the witty wall-to-walls. And I had to send a message to a friend apologizing for not making his game night last night.

I also joined Twitter this weekend, so I was looking at some of the differences between the two sites. I like FB's organization so much more, I feel like I know how to find what or who I need to find much better than on Twitter. Twitter confuses me...all these young kids on there. I'm old, I need to graduate already sheesh.

Journal #3

As usual, I have succeeded in keep my Facebook usage down to a mere minimum of my web browsing. Apart from my usual poking around on other peoples profiles, I have been running into unpreferable events, such as having incredibly distant friends contact me on too personal of levels. The one example of this for which I can share holds major relevance with the abundance of FB Apps which allows a user to create photographic charts of their friends and their profile pictures, and then assign quirky adjectives just above their avatar, like "funny", or "quiet", or "cute", or "beautiful". The most common name for the the application I've heard is "Friends Review", if one must look it up. Anyways, I cannot say I was very amused when my sister's friend, a girl of only 14 years of age who I have only had 4-5 encounters with in my entire life, tagged me as "cute", then "nice" in two separate images. Not very amusing at all, whatsoever. If I should think of this as anything and ignore my tendency to ignore things like this, it is just troublesome. And it made for one very awkward conversation with my sister over the phone, reminding her that I don't really need that kind of support right now.

Enough Facebook for one week, if I should say.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Journal # 4 September 19

I am starting to like facebook the more I log on. Its like there is always so much to do when it come to just logging on and talking to friends. But any who, today I logged onto facebook at 5:45 this morning all because I was up and bored and inquisitive about a certain someone. Um it was great I had a bed buddy to share in on the fun (not in that way lol) and we just laughed about stuff on my facebook page and also on theirs. But yea i didn't really get the opportunity to check and do what I wanted to do because I had eyes on me lol. But yea Um facebook was great today, yet I did get oddly bored, which was very surprising but all I could do was sleep.....which I am about to do so night.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Journal #3

So this has been another week where I really haven't been able to get online a lot, and I've only been on FB today since probably Sunday. What has my life been missing without FB this week? Well, not much really. Since I've been on today, I looked at my boyfriend's profile and found out that he might want to double major. I totally missed that tasty little tidbit this week. I FB chatted with my cousin in Virginia. I've been meaning to call her all week, so it was very nice to finally get a second to talk to her. Besides these two things, I really haven't missed much this week. So I worry, has FB become just another responsibility like email and all the other cyber assignments? I don't like how I feel like I have to check my FB because people use it as a reliable way of contacting me. I'm starting to get to the point where FB is no longer just a fun way to keep in contact with my friends, but more of a stressor in my life. And how do we put FB back into the prospective of it being just a fun site? By only using it infrequently and not making yourself reliable via FB. So maybe that's what I'll do! Maybe my problem has become my solution.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Prompt # 3 September 17

Based on statistical analysis of your profile, you have a 91% probability of getting married. You are likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.3 children over your lifetime. You are likely to die at the age of 78. An estimated 710 people will try to attend your funeral.
My comments: I think this information is dead wrong about the amount of money I will make in my LIFETIME. I think that if I apply myself and work at a place that is both profitable and interesting I can produce a lot more net-wealth than is described in my results.

In response to the prompt questions, if I could put a number on my value in face book I would say around like $4,000 per sign-in. The reason for that is, when I get online I'm online for long periods of time and I have conversations within and outside of my networks, that lasts and lasts lol. Many people just get on FB to check messages and reply to any comments or posts, while I get online to actually talk and read what people have to say, and I think that that's pretty much what the FB developers want. So, I'm pretty valuable to FB. I think people a lot of pepole on FB are more valuable than me. To explain, those people have a lot of friends and connections on FB and I don't lol. So there you have it the Social Capital and Stats that are my FB life.

Journal #3 September 17th

7:17 in the morning and I am extremely happy that facebook exists. My friend (who has a broken cell phone) has big news abouy her college experience. Her roommate, whom I also went to highschool with is being very mean to her. And my friend, the one with the broken cell, just moved in a couple days ago. She was commmuting to NIU from our home town Crystal Lake, but it became too much for her. But it is a hige story and I won't bore anyone with the details, but facebook saved the day because I was able to mediate the situation being mutual friends with both of them, through this wonderful newtworking site. They both now get along for the most part, if there wasn't any fighting that would be just as bad.

I shouldn't even be on there right now though, I have a Calc III midterm tomorrow, and a paper due today, not to mention many many many other things that fight for top position in my mind.

I just wanted to tell you all that I finally found out that facebook can save lives, in a way. I think I like it much better now.

Until monday then.... :B

Monday, September 14, 2009

Prompt #3: Social Capital September 21

Hello 199ers,

For this weeks prompt please follow this link to the application on Facebook that generates "Facts About Me." Copy and paste the output into your response. How do you feel about these results?

Finally, do you think you could put a number on how much money you are worth in the Facebook network? That is to say, how valuable are you to Facebook? To your network? Do you think others out there are more or less valuable than yourself? Why?

Journal # 3 September 14th

I know I am doing this journal entry really early, but I know if I don’t do it now I won’t remember to do it later. Anyway, FB has been pretty fun and interesting lately. I haven’t logged on YET but when I do I will possibly b there for awhile, trying to alternate socializing with homework. I know I am bad but what can I say lol. But I did get on yesterday, while watching the VMAs. It was pretty interesting. I don’t know about everyone else, but I always wonder if I am the only one doing something, and I found ou last night that I wasn’t the only one watching the VMAs (“well duh”). I don’t know if anyone remembers when Kanye West got on stage and interrupted Taylor Swift but I’m sure all of FB does lol. When that happened it instantly hit the net. FB is the best palce for the latest gossip, almost better than TMZ lol. But yea FB is the spot to just talk with friends and learn and do goofy stuff. Hopefully everyone else has logged on and enjoyed it, because I know I will. :-p

Journal Prompt #2

I would probably have to assume that one of the better parts of FB must be that its newer "web 2.0" design actually does give a more relaxed, nonchalant feeling towards using the site. While it does annoy petty geeks like myself who fret at the absence of any individual customization (even a mere color theme would do loads better so my glazed-over eyes could stare at something other then a white background at three in the morning), the "friending-wars" of Myspace seem like a minuscule, superfluous fragment of the past. FB users don't seem to be judged by the quantitative amount of friends they have added. Even when first starting out, Facebook literally recommends friendships to you, based on your school network and the three or four friends you have already added. To me, the "friending" process is practically subconscious. I hadn't even realized I had 180 friends on Facebook. Still, most of them were just people I vaguely knew through my old high school network. So while the networking of the FB networks does place you closer to your own relative circle of friends, the mass of peers whom I barely had a minor conversation with in high school still reign majority of all FB friends. Still, its not like I need to read their status update every time they get wasted.
Straying away from the major networks of high schools and universities, actual group memberships have changed in one way or another. While I remember the aim of most online groups back from my days at Myspace was to be the default group with the largest user-base. Reminiscing on those days, I realize there was only one real advantage to that: a mini-forum where people talk semi-anonymously over a common interest on a website designed for local, real-life friend interaction. On Facebook, I haven't seen much of that. While the Myspace group forums used to have many many posts each day (in there larger groups), most FB groups only have a single topic thread running on the group pages. But one of the greater advantages of Facebook groups has to be they have a larger number of local groups which post their weekly events through a site we visit daily.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Journal #2 Sep. 14th

It seems to me there are two types of people who use facebook:

Those who see its usefulness as a social cumminications device,

and those who see it as a complete multimedia experience.

I don't really join many trivial groups because I find that if I like something enough to join a group related to it, I won't be spending much time away from the group online.

If the group is something important to me, I would only use the group to post events and rsvps.

Any sort of pride, belonging, or achievement for joining a FB group is not my thing.

So when prompt #2 asked me my thoughts on being part of UIllinois, I really had to sit back and think about it. If I had been approached to join rather than immediately accepted, I probably wouldn't be a part of that network.

I guess I don't regard FB as important as some. In fact, I don't regard it as much as I used to, let's say a year ago- when I thought I better sign up if I was to retain a social life.

I've been sick since Labor Day weekend, and I didn't even go on FB to post about it or to let people know. I figured all my friends who needed to know already did.
Being at college is more of a reason NOT to use FB than to put me in a network...

Journal #2/Sept. 14th

I was on FB this morning looking at pictures some of my friends uploaded from tailgating/the football game last night. I really think the social aspect of FB I enjoy the most is the photo albums and tagging and comments and all that jazz. It's fun to look back at 'big' events and see what your friends say about things that happened. Then I spent a while chatting with a friend from Ohio about OSU's heartbreaking loss to USC. We bonded over our mutual disgust for and hatred of USC.

I think social stuff always seems to happen 'around' things in our on Saturday, most of the socializing I did was around football games in various places. Facebook gives a platform to expand the context that 'around' can happen in (ie, people from Ohio instead of my dorm) but also gives a lot of new things for social-ness to happen around -- for example, I spent a while commenting on a video a friend of mine had posted with other people.

Okay, I have to go watch Brett Favre crash and burn, hopefully.

Journal #2

On Saturday morning, I woke up, checked my Facebook, and saw that my sister had uploaded a photo album with some photos of me and her--from when we were 3 or 4 years old! Apparently, she uploaded that album because she wanted me to use one of those childhood pictures as my profile picture. I'm not sure yet if I will or not, but probably not. However, it's not the first time I've seen albums of baby and childhood pictures on Facebook. When I see my peers' early childhood photos, they always make me smile. Some of them are just so cute! I'm not sure, however, if having early childhood pictures of yourself on Facebook is inappropriate or weird. They're not the most professional pictures for potential employers to see, but then, aren't they much "safer" and more innocent than the current photos of you at crazy parties with alcohol? Also, I feel like people will say that baby pictures should be private, for you and your family, not for the hundreds of strangers in your Facebook networks. I don't know about that, but I don't personally feel threatened by strangers seeing those pictures of me. We were all children once, right?

Now although I don't mind the childhood pictures my sister posted, or the childhood pictures I posted subsequently, I do have to wonder about parents who post pictures of their young children online right now. I guess their children aren't necessarily tagged in the photos right now, but what about when the children grow up to be [whatever the new age is for starting Facebook these days]? What will they think of having all these baby pictures of themselves already online, with doting comments from their parents' friends? I think that would be weird. I wonder if there are young teenagers online who are already experiencing this (not with Facebook photos, of course, but with the blogosphere in general). Even though people can untag themselves from photos easily enough, I sometimes feel like they shouldn't have to do so in the first place. I'm probably way more sensitive about this than most people, but I generally don't upload pictures of people in the first place, baby pictures or not, because I think maybe the people don't want this photo shared. If it were me, I'd like to have control over which photos of me are shared online.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Journal #2 September 14

Something interesting I did on Facebook the other day was introduce myself to a person that I met. I was out with my friend and he brought his friend along too. We never introduced ourselves during the period we were out. I knew his name and everything but we never shook hands and said "Nice to meet you." So later I decided to send him a friend request on Facebook. I wrote on his wall and said, "Hi, we never got to officially introduce ourselves so it was very nice to have met you." Facebook helped us do this which was great. We didn't need to introduce ourselves in person. A simple wall post took care of it. This shows again how Facebook is another great tool for communication and making new friends. It also shows how the net can do all the talking that is needed and personal visits are not necessary. What would we do without technology?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Prompt # 2

Well just to get to the promt because I am devastatingly tired…..YAWN. I have 246 friends and I love each and every one of them lol. My friends are in a lot of networks. From music to work to school they do it all. I am in school based networks I think. I am what yu call a facebook baby (I made it three or four months ago I think). Most of my friends have over 100 friends the most I saw was like 600 something… eyes got wide I was like, “ who really knows six hundred people, besides a college professor??” My networks are lesser than their because I am school based they are more social so as I mature through the facebook life I will gain more strong networks. The groups I am in make me feel great like I am doing my part to make the U of I world go round. I made a friend on like my second day at the U of I and I am like # three in their top friends…..o how sweet the love is.

Journal # 2

Today i got on facebook early like around 10:30. I don't know what came over me but I was really intrigued by this one person, so I decide to message them. I felt weird and so did they but in due time it settled and now we are texting. I'm really happy today I don’t know why though. I did however log off for a bit and then log back on just to swept into the facebook zone. I was on for like 3 hours straight all while I was doing homework I while talking to friends from back home and texting at the same time. Facebook is like a social disease that antibiotics just can’t cure lol. I also was able to vent while I was on facebook because lately school has been kicking my butt and its not pretty. But after LONG conversations and comments of hope I feel even better, thus I DID AND FINISHED MOST OF MY HOMEWORK. And with this I am complete.

Journal #2

I have actually really enjoyed facebook this week, nobody that I didn't want to talk to messaged me and I also had some pretty sweet conversations with people I didn't think I would get to talk to for a very long time. Oh the power of networking, and the ties that bind. That made me happy, not to mention I finally got to be friends with some of the people here at Allen Hall that I have trying to find on facebook for a while. Facebook has also been very helpful to me and my friends in trying to judge the Allen Hall waffle competition, we post the pics and people vote for their favorite waffle, although people haven't really been voting online, just looking at the pics and then telling us in person, but that's okay. The word got out because of facebook. Although there was one bad thing, Farmville requests are back!! I thought I got rid of that abomination, it ruled my life for a while and I am determined never to let it happen again.

But yeah I guess that's my rant for the week.

Prompt #2

Hey all,

Sorry this is so late.

For this weeks prompt I would like you to spy on your friends :) I have a series of questions, feel free to dig deeply into all of these:

How many friends do you have? What networks are they in? What networks are you in? How many friends do your friends have? Is your network inherently "better" than theirs? Do your "group" memberships make you feel more a part of something?

Again as always this is due by 1pm on Monday September14.

Journal #2

On Facebook this week I've actually been able to upload pictures into an album. I've never done this before for various reasons, but it's so nice to have albums with my friends pictures in them! I've had a camera for the past year, and have taken over 600 pictures on it, but this is the first time I have even dumped them all on a computer much less made a facebook album. My goal is to make FB albums of all of my pictures and then keep up with it through out the year. I would also just like to take more pictures of my life. I love being able to go on FB and see myself and my friends in such an easy manner, and I would like to return the favor for the rest of my friends. Facebook albums were terribly convenient when I was trying to find pictures to put on my wall, all I had to do was scroll through some of my friends' albums to find classic memories. I love how easy it is to share pictures on FB. Those are my thoughts on Facebook for this week.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Journal #1 September 8

Well lets see....I have been on facebook for the past few hours and I don't know why I am so hooked. I have been on the site and I am like wow all this fun stuff and a lot of new friends and people to talk to. I mostly communicate with my friends but as of lately I've been moving along to people I didn't even know I had as friends. I don't know how you guys' facebooking experiences are but mine are somewhat weird. I get random invites from people who seem to know me, but the feeling is most likely not mutual. But I just add them and the case is solved, because I generally get a good answer as to how they know I exist and who they know me from. I only log onto to facebook from two locations; my iPhone and my laptop. I log on at random moments even if I don't have messages or comments I still find a way to make it new and interesting. It can be times when I am doing online homework and the phrase or name or whatever you wanna call it "facebook" bounces around in my mind and I just cannot stop thinking about it. The reason why I even devote my time to facebook is because I like it. Its like an online world where you can be free to express who you are and restrict what people may see. In real life you can restrict what others may see, but to a certain extent. I guess the privacy, independence, and free leisure is what attracts me.......that and the fact you can poke people lol.