Saturday, November 28, 2009

Journal #12

Last night I met a girl at Espresso that was very nice but was the kind of person that divulged way too much information way too quickly. She asked to be my friend on facebook and I agreed. This was about twenty hours ago. I accepted today and within the first two hours of being her friend on Facebook she had already commented on my status and tried to talk to me on facebook chat. Much like in real life, I feel like there is a certain social protocol that it is considered normal to abide by. That revelation is fascinating to me! If you don't really know someone very well but you are their friend on Facebook then I feel like they should start off slow, maybe a comment on your status here or there, possibly a photo comment, that then could work its way up to a wall post and then facebook chat. Am I just totally strange in thinking this or do others think this too? Being that it is a social networking site I guess it makes sense that there would be social protocol. However, when push comes to shove, I'll probably block her on Facebook chat. Too weird of a first Facebook impression.

1 comment:

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