Saturday, November 7, 2009

Journal #10

Recently, I read an article about how online rejection can sting just as much as rejection in person. While using my fake account this week, I realized that was true. I sent a few messages back and forth with a girl to whom I'd sent a friend request, and it was such a silly, casual conversation. As she asked interrogated me a little, I told her the truth that I had found her through the puppy chow fan page, and I tried to play it all innocent-like. I really thought it would work on her, as every line she wrote in our message conversation ended in "lol." But at one point, when I asked her again if we could be friends, she gave me an outright "no." And that rejection crushed me... for an hour, anyway.

On another random topic, ever since last week, I have taken special notice when my friends invite me to join those "1,000,000 people" groups. I had never really thought about what those groups were for until we discussed it in class, and now to see people I know joining these groups makes me cringe a little.

Also, lately, I have found it rather passive-aggressive of certain people (such as my sister and a few close friends who are in on the secret) to suggest that Sara O'Donnell become a fan of Not Playing FarmVille. That is not going to happen.

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