Sunday, November 29, 2009

Journal #12

One funny thing I've seen floating around Facebook lately is this status: "[I] will be completely honest for 24 hours... you can ask me 1 question (only in my inbox). any question, no matter how crazy or sinister it is. there is no ulterior motive, you have my full honesty! but I DARE you to put this text on your status and see what questions you get." Personally, I can't imagine ever asking somebody a serious question in response to this status; I would want to be anonymous if I were going to ask anything very personal or strange. Also, I wonder what kind of person would really be completely honest in answering any question, no matter whom it's from? I don't like the mass copied statuses in the first place, but this one in particular makes me cringe. One that's more acceptable, and often copied in notes and pictures, is asking all your friends to write down memories of you, or some such thing. It's also narcissistic to some extent, but at least it's something everyone can read, and hopefully it's more light-hearted!

For some reason, it seems that my friends have been uploading a lot of excellent photos of themselves and their family over this past week. It's been really fun to get a look at their pictures. Now that I think about it, I can barely imagine what it was like before the days when I could see almost every digital photo that everyone I knew in school ever took. Nowadays, it's taken for granted that when our friends go out, or we go out with them, people are going to take photos that you (and hundreds of other people) will be able to freely browse through in the future.

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