Saturday, November 7, 2009

Journal #10

So I'm sitting on my bed getting ready for the day, and all of a sudden I realize I haven't checked my facebook yet. I have 10 minutes before I have to leave for class, and what do I do? I turn my computer all the way on and check my facebook, update my status, and I am relieved. How pathetic is that? I have thoroughly become addicted to facebook, it is the first site I check in the morning, I update it through my phone during the day, and it is the last site I look at in the night. I know that it is for a class, and that it's okay to check facebook every once and a while, but I hate having addictions and this is becoming one. Once this class is over I'm going to have to detox myself from this. Perhaps even take a break away from my dear Matt Cackley. I will probably suffer some sort of withdrawl symptoms perhaps I will even get involved in another site on the side, oh my I might cheat on facebook.

This is becoming too mcuh, it has gotten to the point when I can't even sit and write a paper without checking my facebook a few times. But I like it so much, so it can't be that bad, it's not like I'm on Farmville (which I blocked today by the way ANN)! No it's really just checking to see if anyone commented on my status, or if there is a new post that I want to look at, I guess I am only on for a few mintues every time. It can't be that bad. Thats my story for right now, I will continue with my addiction, until it consumes me or the class ends, whichever happens first.

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