Sunday, November 15, 2009

Journal #11 November 16

Recently, I have gained an interest in video posts on facebook. I love watching the video wall posts that people put up on facebook. My two friends posted a video of them dancing to a stereotypical indian song on my facebook. It was hilarious. I also posted videos of myself on the walls of others as well. It is really fun and entertaining to do. It is so much more interesting to see someone's face on a wall than just a simple post. Today, I decided to post a video of me and my friends dancing. It was really great. I also have a tendency to watch videos that people I barely talk to post on facebook. That just brings out the stalker side of me. There is a tendency for a person to feel much more special and loved when a friend posts a video on his or her wall. I hope in the future that I receive many more video wall posts. Video posts are becoming increasingly popular on facebook now. Wall posts are just old fashioned.

That brings me to the point of how facebook has changed so much. Before the only way friends would communicate was through wall posts. Now we have began communicating through many other means on facebook. The comment feature is very important since people would rather comment on wall posts or statuses than write on walls. It is as if the wall post feature has been replaced. I remember when I would get so excited to have reached 200 wall posts. I also remember that people would have competitions over who has more wall posts. Now I rarely receive wall posts. I receive comments on various things. It is really interesting.

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