Sunday, November 1, 2009

Journal #9

So this past week I got to deal with predator type people on Facebook. For some reason, creepy, crazy people are drawn to my boyfriend and when he doesn't jump on them, they like to find me on facebook. This happened to me. And when I blocked the original crazy person and adjusted my privacy settings so that only friends and those who are sending friend requests can message me, she got her friend to friend me and send me a message that way. These incidents made it so now I'm paranoid when I see I have a new message or a friend request. That is unnecessary! I don't like how people are using Facebook as a battle ground for them to do stupid, immature, childish things in a way that they don't really have to take responsibility for them. Gr.

But, in better news, I put more albums up! I took a bunch of pictures of the Zombie Mob on Saturday night and I got a chance to upload them tonight. So much fun! I'm always glad when I actually get stuff up on facebook because I always say I will and then I never do. Bad me!!! So you all should check out the zombie mob album and see cute zombies :)

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