Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jurnal #11

So, this week on Facebook has been rather uneventful. Although I am diggin' the new spellcheck in all the posting spots. This is great because lots of people tend to do text speak on facebook now and it bothers me. I mean you have a full keyboard, use it! Hopefully that will get people typing better.

On another topic, I have realized that a lot of my friends have chosen facebook as their favorite form of communication. Even over texting! I mean I will be texting people and they will reply to me on facebook. I don't like it. It is only when the matter isn't urgent, but then I sit there by the phone and wait and wait, and eventually I will check my facebook because I'm bored of waiting for them, and theres my answer on my profile. NO GOOD! At least they are speaking regularly then, and not in text speak. I guess this saves them money on texting, but if everyone did this facebook would be even more addictive, everyone in our age pond is addicted to their cell phone, it is their left or right hand! If facebook was to take over, everyone would have to go out and buy those mini netbooks so they could check facebook constantly, or get like an iPhone, but I don't like those.

But I am super excited to go home, and I don't know if I will have time to check my facebook, I mean I am going to have soooooooo many things to do, it will be intense.

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