Monday, November 30, 2009

Journal 12

So after weeks of reporting very minimal Facebook usage at school, over my break I learned just how critical it could really be to my social life. Not to moan and whine about my military school again, but after three years of going to school in another state and losing just about all of my friends from my public high school, I once again realized how even in the social isolation of my home, being miles, states and even countries away from my closest of friends, I was still not alone. Throughout last week, I got into the habit of signing on to Facebook multiple times a day, frantically checking for whoever was online, just to see if I cold hold a friendly conversation with someone other then a aggravated family member of mine. Of course, I do like spending time with my family. Yet in that aspect, I mean doing things with my family, not laying around like a lazy bum, playing video games all day. The problem was that is just too much distance between my good friends to actually hang out with then, for the displacement grows from just a few doors away to entire counties.
So although at I school I attempt to keep my distant from Facebook to prevent the complete social dependence of it, at home I am just utterly helpless. Even though I started texting alot more (on my $15 Walmart phone, a literal thumbsore), even my phone became useless on the later days of Thanksgiving Break, when everyone spent more of their time at home with their family, but on their computer, with Facebook open.

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