Sunday, November 29, 2009

journal #12 November 30th

Since I was home this week I found myself not really checking my Facebook. Yeah I was busy, and I was spending time with friends, but I didn’t really even have the urge to go on. I even neglected my Farmville farm! Fields went unplowed, crops died in the field, it was a terrible scene to behold. Also the few times I did go on they were for short periods of time and I only really looked at my college friends updates. It’s weird to think that Facebook seems so much more accessible when my computer is just sitting here on my desk open and ready to go. I guess it’s probably also because I had totally new ways of avoiding homework like watching entire seasons of TV shows while making Christmas presents for friends (much more fun than creeping on Facebook for hours too). I’m sure that by the end of the week Facebook and I will be well on our way to being reacquainted

1 comment:

random problems - random solutions said...


reminds me of the time when I played farmvil :D