Sunday, October 12, 2008

Who are you...REALLY?! (prompt)

I hope you have had a lot of fun with your fake Facebook personas and creating your avatar on SecondLife. So for your prompt today, take a screen shot of both your fake Facebook persona and your SecondLife avatar and include it in your response. Compare and contrast your experiences with the fake Facebook persona, or fake group and the SecondLife avatar. How were the experiences the same? Different? What shocked you? What happened that you didn't expect to happen? What were you expecting to happen that didn't happen? Have any crazy stories you want to share?

(I am expecting this post to be a little bit longer than previous ones because I am sure you have a lot to talk about!)


DannyF said...

This was the first time that I am using second life so it was really interesting at first that you could not pick a name that was already taken. And for my first few choices every last name was taken so by the looks of it this is not like Facebook in that people in this site make up identities. While in Facebook many people have their real identities. But this is not the case in second life.

On Facebook, my fake persona is looking more an more believable. I have added info to fill up most of the space. I also added a couple of my friends and they have even confirmed me. I am thinking about writing on their wall to see how they respond. Because often time people will randomly add whoever tries to friend them but simply ignore them. I will see how my friends react when a stranger that is apparently their friend posts a message on their wall.

As for secondlife, I found that site very interesting in how you make up your identity and walk around in this fantasy place. Here it seems like people could just lose themselves in their second life. Unfortunately, I had a lot of windows open and the site was lagging a bit. I did walk around though and I talked for a bit to this lady from italy. She did not speak English really well so we did not talk for long but it was crazy how you could communicate with people from different parts of the world.

These two sites can help you connect very well although they seem to be for different purposes. On Facebook, you can actually network with people and know their real identity most of the time while on secondlife its more of a game were your living this fantasy life.

Lindsay said...

When I first made my fake Facebook I was really into it and it seemed exciting and cool until I realized it wasn't cool at all to pretend to be someone I'm not. I have over one hundred friends on my fake Facebook account but it's not exciting. None of the people talk to me even when I try to strike up a conversation. It's more fun for me to get to know a person and having them get to know the real me. With my fake Facebook profile I just feel like a fraud. Even though no one is trying to get to know me and I'm not truely connecting with anyone it just feels wrong to lead people on in this way.
I know in class we said that Facebook is more popular oversees than it is in the United States and at first that was hard to believe. With my fake FB nearly ALL of my friends are from a different country. Why they decided to add someone "from Chicago," I have no idea. If anything the fake Facebook persona has helped me become aware of how many people use FB and how it really has spread across the entire world.
I tried to do the SecondLife thing but games aren't really my thing. I'm too stubborn to read instructions and I didn't get past attempting to create my look before I got frustrated.
Whoever Andrew Carnegy is on Facebook must really be doing a good job. I check out my (real) friends' profiles and several of them have "is now friends with Andrew Carnegy" in their feed. My roommate even asked me who this person was and I played dumb. I honestly don't know who it is but I knew it was a fake profile.

Leehee said...

Second Life Sucks BALLS!

I loaded everything...and got really excited about using this thing. And it tells me my computer doesn't have the necessary requirements...including enough space. So I cleared out space, but still there's something else missing. Everything gets messed up when I try to use it. What's's totally making my computer lag and act all goofy. ARGH!

It wouldn't be as big of a deal...if I didn't want to use this avatar as much as I do. I'm totally intrigued. I used to be a huge fan of The Simms. I used to spend hours on the first version. I didn't play (still to this day) any of the subsequent released versions. It's an addiction. This second life thing seems similar and far more intricate. I'm totally bummed for now.
Hopefully I can figure things out.