Thursday, October 16, 2008

Journal 10/16 (quite a rant)

I'm getting so sick of facebook...and it's all your fault Rebecca! I defriended my ex two days ago because I was sick of my unrelenting stalking. I would stalk her profile to see who left her comments (figure out who they were if I could), see who she was talking to...what her status was...did it apply to me? I mean really, it's ridiculous. So I defriended her. Now I can't see her her wall, but I do still have access to her page. (so just the regular updates...status...and pictures) Though, this is better. I also found myself setting my status and making posts/changes to my profile/making comments on other people's pages with the thought in the back of my mind..that of course my ex would see this. The world revolves around me after all, right? WRONG! That is clearly the point. Facebook makes you feel so important...validates your every whim. Want to feel like someone cares? Check your comments? Write on someone elses wall (write something that will make them respond, such as a compliment...they'll be sure to compliment you back) within minutes you'll have a response. Just keep checking! Want to play a board game? No one to play with? No worries...get the scrabble application..and play away....only one move at a time..this game will never end! Want to feel beautiful? Browse through your pictures..and all the comments people have left you...or even better...browse through everyone elses ugly ones...that'll do the trick. Hungry? Play food frenzy and save some cash. Horny? message that hook up from last weekend...flirt a bit with the hottie who you met over the weekend (she just accepted your friend request....obviously she likes you...I mean you're the best of friends now right?) You're the best of friends...because you went one second from seeing just her picture (hoping you remembered the right name when you friend requested her) to now knowing various pieces of information ranging from what high school she attended to what her favorite musician is. Such information...once upon a time...was what you figured out when you really invested time in people...invested time to get to know them. Our generation is quite a lazy one. Prime example: not only do we have cell phones (rather than rotary or land lines) we have voice dial. Rather than spending time to get to know the intricate details of someone's have your work cut out for you. Memorize their profile...and hope it was real...better yet...hope that they're really who they claim to be in that profile...

I hope some of that made sense....

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