Monday, October 6, 2008

Fake Account

Okay, so I wasn't all too sure how I felt about creating a fake Facebook account for class. Sure, I have made a few in the past to troll crazy political and religious Facebook groups, but that's just in my own personal free time, something I lack right now. As I created my character, Andrew Carnegy (because the jerks at FB caught on to "Andrew Carnegie" and wouldn't allow me to register as that name), I had to do all this g-mail crap. First off, who needs three gmail accounts anyway? Well apparently, the answer is anyone that's trying to make multiple fake FB user accounts, that's who!
So I started by friending some people and obtaining a discrete profile picture, one that wouldn't show my face, but one that looked like a college student might have taken it. After that, I joined an Allen Hall student group or two and continued on friendind.
One piece of advice, the more people you friend with a fake account, the more "fill in the blank" boxes you have to fill out. What a bunch of crap. FB really is trying hard to stop us from having fun. I hope that part wears off soon, so I can just click "ADD FRIEND" and call it a day.

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