Monday, October 27, 2008

Journal 10/20-10/27 by Lindsay

   These past couple of weeks have been pretty boring as far as Facebook goes. Also, I've been really busy and haven't been able to spend a lot of time on Facebook. I've noticed though that when I leave FB open and leave the room or go to class someone always IMs me. I feel bad because they probably thought I was ignoring them. I think Facebook should allow you to set your IM status to 'away.' 
   Even though the majority of college students don't use Myspace anymore, I still do. I really enjoy posting bulletins with random videos, surveys, pictures and other things. Yesterday I posted a bulletin about Allen Hall's Zombie Mob that's coming up. I posted a video I found from last year's Zombie Mob and wrote in the bulletin "Jealous? You should be." It was meant to be funny and attract attention. A friend of mine from back home even responded and said how awesome the video looked and what not. A girl from my high school responded and simply said, "'re a fucking dumbass. See you on campus next year." I have no idea why I deserved a message like that and I'm not sure if that is some sort of threat. After reading that message I felt sick. Do people seriously have to act like that? If my bulletin offended you or was annoying I might be able to understand. I told my roommate and she said that even made her uncomfortable. For the following two hours I felt sick to my stomach and nervous about what could happen next. Before I could delete and block her from my Myspace she had already deleted me. This has made me want to re-evaluate my so called 'friends' on Facebook and especially Myspace. I've begun deleting people from my Myspace that I never talk to anymore and that aren't really my friends. It's pretty ridiculous how people can technically bully others through this form of communication. I didn't realize how bad it can really make you feel too. I could barely sleep last night because I kept thinking about that message. 
   From now on I'm going to really pay attention to my 'friends' on Facebook and Myspace. If they aren't really my friend I am going to delete them. 

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