Sunday, November 2, 2008

Journal...oh whatever date by Justin

So now that the apocalypse is finally over, the zombies have seemed to disappear...for now, and we all took an extra hour of sleep for granted, it is time to kick back into the habit of "caring" about school, sleep, and the country once again.
Numerous and possibly unprecedented amounts of photographs were taken this Halloween and while many have not yet surfaced to the world wide interwebz, I assure you, they will. So, with that in mind, I hope that none of you acted indecently and oblivious to the fact that companies, the university, and BIG BROTHER are indeed watching YOU. Yes, even FaceBook can be looked at by anyone and it seems just about everyone these days.
With the election only days away, even though I'm sure that most of us were willing and ready to vote about two whole months ago, be prepared to see the HYPEsters telling you that there candidate is so amazing and wonderful. Yup, even as the Outreach Director for the College Democrats, I feel like punching those crazy Obama supporters right in the head sometimes. Sorry, but if I hear the word "change" one more time, and it is not directly correlated with the monetary value I am receiving back in the transaction of filling up my car with gasoline, I might just put my foot up somebody's.....well you get the picture.
I'm not going to tell you who to vote for; I'm no dictator, nor am I some easily-convinced internet cruising, politico blogging, suburban kid who has a new-found hero for the first time in his/her whole life. Just vote. You get one chance every two years to vote; once every four for the general election. If you're eighteen, a citizen and resident, and not a convicted criminal just get out to the polls on Tuesday and take the hour or so to listen to your MP3 player while waiting in line and eventually...VOTE!
Oh yeah, and here's a message for FaceBook: now that you have whored yourself to any company willing to give you some dough for product placements and advertisements, you have officially turned into a confused fourteen year-old urban kid with low-self esteem and walked into the A&F/AE/UrbanOutfitters/HotTopic/etc. and have officially sold out. Congrats.

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