Monday, November 10, 2008

Reading that article: The Information We Collect

I don't remember what you said about this article, but I'm scared as hell. Is this article posted/published by facebook? Everything that they say that they're doing is backed up by how it affects us (the users). It's written in such a seemingly pleasant manner that covers up the scary truth. Everything that is ridiculous and obscene is followed by reasoning that is based on convenience, ease, or comfort of the users. The fact that facebook "reserves the right" to send notices to us about our account even though we have opted not to receive e-mails is daunting. They claim that a friend's e-mail can be removed from the database if requested...but where's the proof of that? The first part in the section about "sharing your information with third parties" seems to contradict what was written in the previous sections. "We share your information with third parties only in limited circumstances where we believe such sharing is 1) reasonably necessary to offer the service, 2) legally required or, 3) permitted by you"

All three of those "limited circumstances" are rather vague and ambiguous. I'd like to know who calls the shots on those decisions. I'd also like to be notified when such information of mine is being shared. Though, as we've discussed in class, I should expect all the information that I have provided online as potentially shared...right? What kind of "service" are they referring to?

The third bullet point is sheer bullshit. "We may use third parties to facilitate our business" what the hell? That is clearly stating that third parties will be used for the website's benefit.

The last line is the most haunting. Even "private" (emphasis on the quotations) messages "may become publicly available"

This is just scary...where did you get this article?

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