Monday, November 17, 2008

Journal fri/sat/sun 11/14-17

I have had a slight (emphasis on slight) change of view in regards to facebook. Recently I have been getting more involved in my sorority. My sorority has three active members and four girls are trying to get it. The three actives (myself included) are all new. Last semester, the eight girls who were active members graduated. We were left the onus of sustaining the chapter. The beauty of this sorority is that the alumni and active chapters nationwide are very supportive and close-knit. Once I finally broke down and admitted that we needed help to one of the alumni that I was closer with, the entire sorority nationwide was activated to help us out. Something that is very important is the bonds that were made with other RSO's and chapters in the Greek system on this campus. These are ties that took a long time to develop and it would be a shame to lose. Facebook proved to be very helpful and dynamic this weekend. I received a flood of e-mails and invites from girls to events going on with these organizations that the alumni knew on this campus. With a few clicks, I was able to forward the invites to the four associates (the girls trying to get in). Furthermore, I was able to introduce myself to the presidents of these organizations with a few quick e-mails. The good qualities of facebook proved true for me this weekend.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

yay - told you it wasn't all bad :)