Monday, November 10, 2008

final project

So while I'm still trying to figure out the ramifications of my final project, there were two particular ideas that I had in mind. One was monitoring the number of people online at any given time (granted, users can edit settings for facebook Chat so that they never show up on it) and basically coming up with statistics about when people are most likely to be wasting time on facebook - the issue with this idea is that I'm not really sure how to connect it to any sort of bigger idea. I'm a sociology major, I just like collecting data! The other idea that I thought about was the effect of something like "Friends Club", a club in Allen that I created for people to get to know each other better. In terms of social networking, mySpace is more conducive than facebook to connecting to a wider audience in terms of people you don't actually know, and I think I can compare that in some way to "Friends Club". The first week of the club, nearly everyone that attended was someone I knew. I asked people to bring one new friend every week, and I'll keep track of how this expands my social network not only in real life, but on facebook too.

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