Monday, October 6, 2008

Journal 10/6 by Justin

So nothing really exciting seems to be happening on Facebook anymore, anyone else notice that? I mean really, I don't know what else the ole'FB really has to offer that none of us have seen before. I log in, check my notifications and various requests, respond to a few wall posts, and then aimlessly keep checking back and forth between my homepage and profile page. Anyone else in this same boat?
I don't really notice the advertisements anymore, which could be either a good thing or a bad thing. It could be good because it means that I've been able to ignore them, but it could be bad if it means that I've become conditioned to them already. Either way, I don't think they contribute much to my overall "facebooking" experience.
Oh, and did you all notice that nobody is really complaining about the new layout? Yeah, like we, the consumers, are really ever going to have a say in anything that ever changes online; fat chance. It's true that we can always demand products that we pay for, i.e., hybrid and fuel efficient vehicles, but as for FB and other commodities that are currently free, really the consumers that pay nothing won't be able to change the system.
Call me a geek, but does anybody else remember SKYNET, the computer system that becomes self-aware and creates the robots in the Terminator movies? How far away are we from that? We have all this code that can relate ads to us, so how long from now will they, the codes, be able to guess what we're going to do, or worse yet, counter what we decide? Crazy right?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

You are all doomsday, Big Brother etc...I like it.