Sunday, September 28, 2008

Value in my social network

Its tough to measure one’s value in their social network, let alone put a dollar value on it. I can think of two ways of measuring your value in your social network; popularity and the size of the network. Starting with high school of the more than one thousand students in the school its tough for one person to be that valuable unless you are a star athlete or most attractive person. I was certainly not the most popular kid but I think I was still of some value because I was able to befriend a lot of people. The network of UIUC is a lot different. Having about 40,000 kids in the school I don’t really think I add much value to the network. Because the larger that the network becomes, the lower that value of each of the individual people. There are exceptions, but this is generally the case. It would be impossible for me to put a dollar sign on my value to each of these two networks because I really have no idea of how much the network is worth. I think most people would be worth the value of the network divided by the number of people. Some people might hold more value because of some characteristics and other not as much. As for putting a value on the network, I have no idea where to even begin.

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