Monday, September 29, 2008

Journal 9/29

Today I logged into facebook with a different idea in mind. Last night I talk to the "boingboing" guys who are guests-in-residents at Allen. I told them about my ideas in relation to the social networking site, and they told me to look at other sites and figure out a clear vision. If my concept of what I want the website to look like is clear, then it will be easier to explain that vision to the tech people who program it.

So this time, I was on facebook looking to see what I liked....didn't like...and hated. I like the birthday notifications. I think that in a connected world (such as the internet) automatic reminders and updates are important. I like the wall. The applications have got to go. Pictures are a yes, but you can't tag someone in a picture without their approval. A post on their wall also has to be approved before it shows up on their wall. In addition, the advertisements would be LGBT related.

I was also thinking that I need some sort of calendar on the site that everyone can access, but things will only be approved once they're verified by the site facilitator. This calendar would be a big nation-wide calendar. It would provide information for students about various ongoings throughout the country.

These are just some of my thoughts as I perused facebook...

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