Monday, September 22, 2008

Journal 9/22 by Jay

My question of the week is "is facebook stalking okay?" Not in like, a creepy way, but let's say you meet person A and you know their first name and that's it. So is it okay to look through a mutual friend's list to see if person A is on facebook? Or what about without facebook? For instance, I see person B EVERYWHERE. I have no idea who they are but one time in Allen I saw them wearing their high school t-shirt and another time I saw them wearing an engineering t-shirt. So am I stalking them because I know they went to so-and-so high school and that they're an engineer? Or is it not my fault that they wear clothes to identify them?
Second, is it okay to approach people under false pretenses? People that I KNOW know me have come up to me and asked me if I know so-and-so or went to my high school and I kind of give them a stupid look because they know who I am, just say hi. But let's say I approach person B at some point and I'm like, hey! Did you go to ____ high school? And they're like yeah! I did! And so I can continue a conversation with them. Or let's say I see that we have mutual friends and I'm like hey! Do you know ____? As if I just saw them together sometime. I think people must do this a lot. It's really difficult to just go up to someone and be like "Hi, my name is ___, what's yours?" Especially for guys.
Stupid double standards.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Can you change the font on this? Its hard to read! thanks