Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prompt# 9: safety and security

Imagine you have a 10 year old relative (sibling, cousin, niece/nephew) that sends you a Facebook friend request. This takes you by surprise, but you bite, and accept the Friend request. You immediately send them a message about being safe and secure on Facebook. What do you tell them to do? What do you tell them not to do?

Your assignment is to write this letter to your young family member. After you have written this letter. Debrief me and tell me why you wrote what you did.


Marlisha said...

Dear 10 year old relative (sibling, cousin, niece/nephew),

It's good to hear from you. I hope your doing well in school.You will have to keep me updated on things. I know I'm or anything but there are a few things I have to tell you about facebook. First off... It's sooo much fun but some people on not on it to have fun. some people want to still your information and use it as their own. It not that they think of you as a celebrity they just want to be EvIl. SO don't put things like your phone number or address. Other then that make sure your pictures are ok. I heard teachers can be on facebook, so have your privacy settings to just your friends and ME!!! Laasstly, I know you. And I know you want to be popular but don't except everyone as your friend. Like i said before not everyone is out to be friend. Well if you have anymore questioins or you jsut want to talk hit me up!!!
Love YA!!!

I wrote it like this because this is wow I talk to my family but at the same time I didn't want them to think I was preaching to them. There would be more things I would tell them but I didn't wasn't it to seem like a was a commercial.

Dan Smith said...


When I was your age, I was watching fraggle rock or playing teenage mutant ninja turtles in the backyard. You kids are crazy with technology these days. Well, just remember to set your privacy settings so only your friends can see your information. If you need to know how to do this, ask your dad. Actually, don't do that. He's probably worse with computers than you are (old people -_-). Also don't forget to be wary of strangers and don't friend someone if they seem like they are a stranger. Otherwise go crazy because you're 10 and I don't think you need to worry about censoring your information for employers or anything!

I wrote what I did because 1) fraggle rock was awesome. 2) TMNT were also awesome. 3) Having TMNT headbands and fake weapons is a fun time. 4) They are 10 years old and I don't think they need to worry about privacy too much. I'd say just friend people who you know because you never know what kind of creepy people are out there and might start trying to talk to them. If they want to friend Barney or something however, more power to them...

Jonathan P. said...

Hi _____,

How you doing? So you decided to get a facebook? I didn't get one until I was 17, but I guess people are getting them at a younger age now. I just wanted to remind you to set your privacy settings. It took me a long time to figure out how to do that. If you click on settings on the top right corner of your fb page and then click on privacy settings. You should then click on profile and make sure that only your friends can see your page and ur pictures and information about u. Trust me you do not random creepy people looking at ur fb information or your pictures. You should also make it so only people in your network can search and find you that way random people that are bored can not just look you up. Also you should be very careful what information about yourself that you put up on facebook. You must remember that lots of people can see everything on your facebook. If you have any questions about setting up your privacy just let me know. Hopefully talk to you soon!

In my letter i emphasized instructions how to change the privacy settings. I know when I was ten I would not have been able to figure them out, but kids these days are a lot better with technology. I feel like it is important for younger kids to have privacy settings because they would be more prone to talking to strangers.

Kristin said...

Dan - you made my week. Amazing.

James O'Brien said...

Get outside. Seriously.

Aside from that, If you ever need to, send me a shout. The number is 708.724.6799. Much love and I'll see you on mother's day.

I'm not going to promote facebook to my little cuz. I really don't even think facebook is that useful until you start to move away or lose phyisical contact with friends/family. But it's not my decision so why give her a rant, my view is less important than her friends' right now in her life anyway.

Roger Hong said...

Hey Lil bro,

You better watch yo self. The internet is a scary place and people are untrustworthy as hell. Facebook may seem all fun and games and yea, it's neat. But treat people on facebook as you would treat strangers you meet in real life, with massive amounts of distrust. I know people tell you to have faith in humanity, and that's true, but the internet is not the place to test that theory. There are all sorts of weirdo's. After spending 4 years taking computer courses, many of which dealing with security, I can tell you one thing, there isn't such a thing. I've learned that the best way to keep a computer secure, don't plug it into anything but power. Treat facebook the same way, don't put into it what you don't want to, and keep it among friends. That cute 12 year old girl that just friended you? Pedo. I guarantee it, you're not that attractive that random people are just gonna friend you. Alright, I'll see you on the 17th, graduation time baby!

I actually have a brother who's 12, admittedly he's not 10, but close enough. So this letter is to him. I'm just writing to tell him to be careful and be distrustful, but odds are, he won't listen. Little brothers are like that.

j424marie said...

I can't believe that mom and dad let you get a facebook! Congratulations! I'm sure they've talked to you about all of this, but maybe hearing it from your sister, someone who actually has a facebook herself, will help it sink in.
Make sure that you have your privacy settings set to "friends only." Have dad help you if you can't figure out how to do it. If you don't have it set to friends only, then anyone in your network (anyone who lives in the chicagoland area, basically) can access any information you put on facebook. That doesn't seem like a big deal, but that's how bad things happen to unsuspecting kids-- if I didn't know you, how much do you think I could figure out about where you go to school, when you're walking to and from school and extracurriculars... all just off of information online? It sounds creepy for a reason. You need to be cautious.
That's another thing. Be careful about what you put on facebook, and how much information you allow to be visible. The older you get, the less scary it will probably be, but in the meantime, be very careful about who you friend and what you say and do on this website. The fewer applications you accept, the better.
And most importantly, (I know you'd do this anyway) if anything seems weird to you, or someone makes you suspicious or uncomfortable at ALL, tell me or mom or dad about it.
Love you!