Sunday, April 12, 2009

Journal #3- Jonathan

So as I wrote my response to the prompt it reminded me of two experiences that I had with facebook that almost made me get rid of mine. My first bad experience was when my older brother found out I had a facebook. He had made one, but had no information on it and told me all the time how stupid facebook was and how unsafe it was to post information on it. I decided to make one anyways and not tell him about it. I had all the privacy setting on as high as they go so no one could search me or even know I existed (on facebook) unless I friended them. Also at the same time I had a girlfriend that no one in my family really knew about. They knew I was good friends with this girl and that I hung out with her a lot, but they didn't know anything else. Anyone who looked at my facebook though would clearly know that we were dating. One day I got a call from my older brother asking about her and I did not know he had seen my facebook, so I just denied dating her. Then he told me he saw my facebook and I was so confused how. Then I found out that one of my friend's older sisters had made a facebook for my friend and I was facebook friends with him. The older sister became friends with my older brother in college and happened to be hanging out when she went on her brothers facebook and it came up that I was friends with him. I know it sounds complicated, but thats what I thought too!? I thought I could hide my facebook, but clearly no matter how many privacy settings I put there are still ways around it. The second bad facebook experience I had was when i got a request from one of my best friends, who I thought was very against facebook. I accepted it only to see that the status was "I am gay and wanted to tell everyone through facebook". I knew right away that something was not right so i called my friend and he had no clue that he had a facebook page. We found out the next day that some kid thought it would be funny to make a facebook page for him and pretend to be him. Not only did he make the facebook page but he went and friended over 400 people. After some school and parent intervention he took the facebook page down and made lots of apologizes. But it showed me how easy it is to make a facebook page and pretend to be someone you are not. And for that reason I am very cautious in accepting friend requests usually. 


Marlisha said...

I was just thinking about how to add pictures on to the facebook. I always forget how. That might be the reason why i dont have alot of pictures up. I have never been good with computers. Then i see people with diffrent effects and little comments for their pictures up. Every time i take a pitures with friends i think to myself ok now how an i going to get this uploaded. And I never want to ask anyone casue I know they will look at me funny. I have had a facebook account since 2006 and I still havent masterd the art of uploading. So my assignment to myslef is put the picuters that i have from last year, this year, and this weekend up on facebook. I dont know how that will turn out but i will give myself an A for effort.

Dan Smith said...

If you need help Marlisha, let me know and I can show you