Monday, August 24, 2009

Greetings Fall 2009 Students and Prompt #1

Hello everyone!

Glad you made it. For future reference, here is my personal website:

You can find information here about this course, other courses I teach, and even some of my research.


1. Respond to the prompt:
For your first prompt, please tell me about some things you hate about Facebook But also tell me about some things that you love about Facebook. Write the prompt response as a comment to this link. THIS IS DUE BY 1PM ON MONDAY!

Need some inspiration? Re-visit the video we watched in class on the first day of class.

2. Write your first journal:
Start a new post and entitle it "Journal #1, August 31." Please title all journals in this format. THIS IS DUE BY 1PM ON MONDAY!

3. Become Facebook friends with your classmates and T.A.


norton60014 said...

Fakebook (5 things I hate about Facebook)
1. When people use text speak to say everything!
2. When people put incredibly personal things as their status, it just feels wrong to look at them.
3. Farmville! It ran my life for months until I finally pulled myself away.
4. When you take the "how young will you be when you die" quiz and it tells you you should have been dead 8 years ago. (what 10 year old uses facebook?)
5. When people think Facebook is the greatest thing ever, it's just a website. Get over it, and just call someone.

Fascinatingbook (5 things I like about facebook)
1. Making fake people, then have others think that said person is real. Sometimes they actually think they remember them. tee hee
2. Just keeping up with friends that are far away, saying hi every once in a while.
3. How fast information spreads (mildly fakebook) It could be good and bad but when you need to know something, like an answer for homework, and you don't have someone's number, you can facebook them and chances are you will have that answer in under an hour. Because people check their facebook like wildfire!
4. The layout, very easy to use, even for the older folks who insist on having a facebook.
5. The rivalry between facebook and twitter. WHO WILL COME OUT ON TOP!!!!!!??????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
It's so exciting... not, but amusing.

And there we have it, 5 things I love and 5 things I don't so much love about America's favorite website (besides you google) Facebook.

Emily said...

There are a number of things I hate about Facebook:

- Reading hundreds of status updates about people I don't really care about.
- Reading people's quiz results, which I don't ever care about.
- How so many Facebook groups are active for only a short period of time, and from then on they serve no purpose.
- Seeing hundreds of overexposed, badly cropped, unrotated, duplicate, low-resolution photos.
- Seeing intentionally ambiguous or unexplained status updates, like Bible verse citations or song lyrics.
- Seeing too few capital letters and far, far too many punctuation marks.

Those are just a few of my biggest pet peeves about Facebook. On the other hand, there are a few parts of Facebook that I actually like:

- Reading about/seeing the lives of people I *do* care about.
- Casually chatting with friends and acquaintances whom I wouldn't interact with otherwise.
- Finding similar and like-minded people.
- The networking possibilities.
- Stalking with impunity!

Sara S said...

Some things that I really hate about facebook are:

-When people update their statuses multiple times at one time of day. You don't have that much going on with you cause obviously you're just on facebook.

-How FB is now another opportunity to bully, for instance, when people bad talk others on public walls, or when people lash out at others in Honesty Box.

-I hate how I now feel obligated to be on facebook. Over the summer I wasn't on the internet once and I loved it cause I didn't have to keep up with email and facebook.

Things that I love about facebook:

-I love how I can easily keep up with my friends in other states just by commenting on their status.

-I love the relationship updates because that is often how I find out those tasty tid bits.

-I love very lightly stalking people. I can't hard core stalk cause I get really bored, but I'll definitely look at people's stupid drunk pictures and talk about how stupid they are for posting those on a public domain.

-I love how it's like email, aim, and networking all in one.

I really appreciate facebook, although I do think it causes a lot of unnecessary drama.

Unknown said...

Brendan Denison
5 points of Facebook Failure.
1. Status updates: great to turn Facebook into a childish narcissistic tool as twitter. Better for pretending that I have a meaningful, important and interesting life. (funny link:

2. Compare Friends: Most of the time I don't wanna imagine who I would rather be stuck in Handcuffs with. Enough said.

3. Game Applications: No, I don't wanna see your Farmville. It was much cooler back in the early 200's/late 1990s back when it was called Harvest Moon.

4. Web 2.0: So easy that my parents can use it, thanks Facebook.

5. Social Fad: I can wait to see what kind of a ghost town Facebook becomes once everyone moves to Twitter.

Face is OK I guess sometimes List
1. Long distance: good way to keep in touch with friends and family who are no longer close to you.

2. Online Schadenfreude: Elders who don't know what they're doing online, "oh god how did this get here i am not good with computer" (links!:

3. Facebook events: Works pretty well for IRL gatherings of any sort. Plus sometimes I can hear about bands coming for a show nearby. Nice to know people actually wanna get away from their computer.

I just leave this here as such since it's naturally easier to be a complainer.

Disha said...

5 Things I hate about facebook:
1. The applications that do absolutely nothing for you and your time.
2. The poke button. I don't feel any pokes.
3. Getting friend requests from people that I will never see or talk to again.
4. Becoming fans for certain things. Nothing happens on those pages.
5. The quizzes that are completely fake.

5 Things I love about facebook:
1. Relationship stories. I love staying in touch with the latest gossip.
2. Playing games such as uno and typing maniac
3. Reading facebook statuses
4. Reading the info section about people I care about
5. Pictures

Brendan said...

Five things I hate....
1. Being a hypocrite who scoffs at facebook, then uses it.
2. Quizzes. I know who I am, I don't need your quiz to help me. How, you ask, do I know I'd be Donatello from the Ninja Turtles? Just trust me.
3. When adding photos doesn't work. I would have a lot more up if I could rely on it.
4. People who get offended when you don't answer their posts... and you see them every day.
5. Buttons, Flair, doohickies, junk, tidbits, whatever.

Five things that are good about facebook:
1. For planning groups or group events it is really handy.
2. People you haven't seen in a while. Nostalgia is awesome.
3. Knowing about people without talking to them. Creepy good fun!
4. My parents don't know how to use it.
5. Everybody and their brother has one, so it's easy to find your friends.

Greg said...


Here are some things I like about FB:
--Keeping in touch with friends from home or friends who have moved away is so easy!
--Using event invites to make organizing events easier
--Going through FB photos after big events or fun nights
--Reminds me about friends' birthdays

Things I don't like:
--Relationship status drama
--When people post vague status updates about big things going on in their lives
--Facebook apps, especially quizzes. I hate FB quizzes
--People who write drama-laden fb notes for attention
--How often I check fb everyday

treadwe1 said...

To love or to hate Facebook that is the question, I’m leaning towards hate. I frequently find myself working on a myriad of projects and before I know it I’ve switched tabs on my internet browser and I’m checking to see if someone commented on the pictures I uploaded last night, or if that cutie I met on the quad accepted that all so important “friend request”. When it comes down to it Facebook is really just annoying and superficial. It seems to just be a way to get other people to pay attention to you. Why else would people post random and dramatic statuses such as “why does everything suck so bad?? seriously.” Or “2 hour math class=not cool”. They just want to know that people care about what’s happening in their life. Another thing that ticks me off about Facebook is all the applications. No I don’t want to join Mafia wars, I don’t want to “buy” my friends and I most definitely don’t want to fight you with fake vampires. Really? That stuff is ridiculous. Another thing I hate about Facebook is Honesty box, some messed up kid must have come with this. The only comments you will receive on this is “you stink, I hate you” or “you’re cute”. Why are these terrible messages to receive? Well I’d say the first one is pretty self-explanatory because it’s just mean and no one appreciates being put down but the second is just torture. You don’t know if you’re being made fun of or if they are serious. And if they are serious then who the heck is this kid and why doesn’t he just tell you in person?
I have to admit though there are things I do like about Facebook, especially now that I’m in college. I like that I can talk to my friends and leave them messages. It makes it much easier to keep in touch even when each of my closest friends are now going to college at separate schools. Another feature I like on Facebook is some of the games. From time to time I find myself just needing to blow off some steam and chill, Bejeweled Blitz is a fabulous way to assist in that job.
Facebook and I are in a love-hate relationship, it’s just oh so addicting.

treadwe1 said...

Ok so I can’t figure out how to do a post instead of a comment, I’m slightly blog challenged. So this is my journal, sorry.
Journal #1, August 31st

Facebook has really not enticed me all that much this week. I find I’m always hanging out with new friends in their dorm rooms or out and about the quad. Although on Saturday I began to catch up a little bit on the account that laundry takes a couple of hours to complete especially when you pick the broken washing machine. I enjoyed looking at pictures my mom has posted of my sister and I attempting to surf, and the pictures of the flood at LAR. As of right now I think pictures and status’ of my friends from home are what keep me visiting. I want to know what their new dorm looks like or how they are fairing at their new “home”. I like being able to have some sort of contact with them because most of them I have been friends with for a greater portion of my life. Right now I like Facebook, it’s my window back to my friends from high school.

Romero M said...

Prompt #1

It’s really easy to name five things I like and dislike about the lovely facebook. Well the five things I like about this site is:
1. It’s easy to make friends with a lot of different people….even if you don’t know them.
2. It’s fun to look and browse around your friends’ profile. There are some things you don’t know about people until you see their status’. I just like the different stuff an content you find on peoples’ pages.
3. I would have to agree with Disha lol I kind of like the fact that you can find people you like on facebook. I have had a few relationships and I am starting a few on facebook ;-p. Yes it sounds stalkerish but what can you do…..lust is a powerful deadly sin.
4. I like the fact that you can find and keep up with old friends via the school networking. It’s a small world because I actually found out that two friends from 8th grade actually go to the U of I!!! It has been four years and I still manage to bump into old friends. Facebook is like a electronic yearbook only much more fun.
5. Last but not least I like it because it’s FACEBOOK……who doesn’t like facebook?

Now there are 5 things I can’t stand about facebook and they are:
1. I don’t like that you can’t upload a lot of pictures all at once ( i.e. 75 pics)
2. I don’t like when you get into a really big argument and the person starts to bash you on facebook where everyone can see.
3. I don’t like (and this is all my fault lol) adding people I don’t know. Like I need to at least have had a conversation with you to add you and I stick to that. Like everyone I’ve ever added I have had at least a small conversation with.
4. Some of the videos people put on their facebook. Can you say S.T.U.P.I.D??