Thursday, March 26, 2009

Your First Journal (awww...)

Hey 199ers,

Remember that you have your first journal due some time the week of April 30th. To help you get started, why don't you journal about the things you hate about Facebook. Tell me what you hate and why. Need inspiration? Check out the 25 Things I Hate about Facebook video.

For your journal, just start a new thread, no need to reply to this one.



Jonathan P. said...
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Jonathan P. said...

What I hate about facebook? I was very against facebook and myspace until my senior year of high school. Now that I think about it I am not sure why I was so against facebook and myspace, but it was probably because I didn't want to be like everyone else, so I didn't make one. The summer before my senior year I worked at a camp and decided the best way to stay in contact with other counselors was through facebook. I stupidly thought that I would be able to remain friends with these people just because we were friends on facebook. And that is probably what I hate most about facebook: the idea that your facebook "friends" are really your friends. I lost touch with almost all my co-counselors and the only ones I still am friends with I never communicate with them via facebook; we talk on the phone or in person. I am guilty of being one of those people that friends people after only meeting them once. My goal for this year was to not do that as much, but I always want to know more about the person and what better way than through facebook! That is another thing I hate about facebook; that people post so much information about themselves that you can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their facebook. I admit to using facebook as a way to find out about people, but I think it is a very bad and impersonal way. Another thing I hate is parents and relatives on facebook. I have had several cousins friend me on facebook only for me to reject the request. I don't feel like I have anything on my facebook they shouldn't see; I just feel that if they want to get to know my better there is better ways than facebook.

Marlisha said...

Ohhhh, I really just hate facebook!! My Birthday was over Spring break and I thought no one remembered, but I looked at facebook and there were over 200 blogs on my page saying Happy Birthday. For some reason I was looking for a text or phone call from some of these people. I just didnt really feel that special.
I also don't like how it seems to update and change it's self and few months. Just when I'm starting to get used to the way it works it wants to through something new my way.
Ok, Ok. I don't really hate it. I don't like the pokes, presets, or the other little applications. They feel very point less and i never use them. When people give them to me I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do after that.
I liked it when facebook was only for college students. It made me feel like I was apart of some kind of secret club.
I wish I could block some groups. they Just keep sending me thing. and it is from people that I don't even think I m friends with. The only thing I really need facebook for is to stay contected to friends, and share pictures. Any thing else is really just not needed by me. It may be great for others but I find it to be in the way.