Saturday, May 2, 2009

Prompt #10: Final prompt!

Hello all.

For your final prompt please find a news story about Facebook or other social networking websites. Report on the blog what this story is all about and how it relates to something we have discussed in class.

We will spend Monday discussing your news stories and wrapping up class.

As usual, this is due by 1pm on Monday.

And don't forget that your final presentations are due on Wednesday.


Jonathan P. said...

This article is about the growth of facebook and what it means for society. The article emphasizes how via facebook people are connecting with other people in ways that they never would have before. The article gives an example of how a teacher in denmark friended the prime minister of denmark and through facebook he invited the pm to speak in his class, and he accepted. Without facebook the teacher would have never been able to communicate with the prime minister so directly. The article also talks about how employers are now looking at their workers facebooks and do often judge them based on what they see. The article discusses how since facebook has added advertisements to their site it has been upsetting more and more people. Most people have a love-hate relationship with facebook, but as facebook shares more and more of the users information people are disliking facebook more.

Dan Smith said...

"Should over-50 Job Hunters Join Facebook?"

This article is about people over 50 years old looking for jobs. Is it beneficial for them to join social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIn? The trends are beginning to show yes. Many people are being hired through these sites. One example, Chuck Hester, is discussed in the article how he got his job because of his status update. Whether you will use the social networking sites for other purposes is besides the point, "recruiters [are using] these as their first point of contact with potential employees. Without one, you could be in danger of being overlooked."
The article also goes into the issue of being careful of what you do post online though because of who might see it.

Marlisha said...

The Pop warns against too much Facebook.

This article was taken from the Boston it is a religous news paper on line. This artle says that the use of too much facebook will hinder your social interaction in public. and it froms obsessive behaviors. This article is also says that we wont beable to interact in public settings caused we've used too much Facebook.

Roger Hong said...

This is an article discussing how the recent rise in the popularity of facebook has made it a target for the famous phishing attacks. Recently hijacks accounts have sent out messages to friends asking them to log onto sites that look similar to the facebook webpage in order to steal their account information.

j424marie said...

This article talks about how MySpace is becoming a phenomena of the past, with the main demographic turning almost entirely into young low-income teens. The article compares MySpace to a "strip mall with pockets of empty storefronts." It says that advertisers perceive Facebook to have more potential among older users.