Monday, March 30, 2009

Prompt #2: April 1

How much are you worth in the Facebook network? Could you put a dollar sign on this? Why or why not?

Do you think that you could be worth more or less than some of your friends...why or why not?

How would start to measure who is the most "expensive" or "price worthy" node in the Facebook network?

3/30 Journal: Love Hate Relationship

Facebook and I go way back.
I joined in late 2004 / early 2005 when I was a senior in high school. I did this mainly because I moved from Texas my senior year in high school and wanted to stay in touch with my friends.

My time and experience here at UoI has taught some ideals when it comes to user interfaces. They must be simple and customizable.

Facebook started out very simple with limited features and things you could do on the site. Overtime they have grown and added many things, including applications, like that of One way in which they succeeded in keeping many of their members was customizability (if that's a word) of various privacy and profile settings. They seperated out the extra features in a way where one would not get annoyed or overwhelmed by them if they did not want to be.

Recently, at least for me, Facebook has been failing my standards of customizability. They have updated their user interface several times without the option to keep the old standard. People hate change, especially when forced upon them. Although we must deal with it and eventually will learn to like the newer interfaces, every time they implement a new design, we are forced to relearn almost everything.

The newest design is meant to compete with a site called Twitter. Twitter focuses on status updates. I believe it is good for Facebook to keep up with it's competition, but I do not believe changing their site to that of Twitter was a wise idea. Facebook was it's own unique social networking site. People generally use Twitter for the newer phone technologies so they can stay in contact while mobile. I feel Facebook could keep the changes, but allow people to select whether they want a "Twitter type interface" for their phone or the older one for their home pc which people are more familiar with and can navigate easily.

I hate how everything tends to blend in on the pages because now there is a picture next to everything.
I hate how they made the default settings show status' on the newsfeed and pushed the other highlights to a small column on the right.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prompt #1: March 30

Okie dokie. Here goes #1. Please respond to this as a thread, don't start a new entry.

This prompt is due by 1pm on Monday, March 30.

The Prompt
Take a look at your network of Facebook friends. How many friends do you have? What networks are they in? How many friends do your friends have (a lot? a little?) Is there such a thing as too many friends?

Ever notice weird friend connections in the "friends you have in common" section? Does that give you a "its a small world after all" feeling? Does it give you a different feeling?

Is your network of Facebook friends inherently better than any one else's network? For example, is your network better than my mom's network that only contains 12 other people? Why or why not?

Your First Journal (awww...)

Hey 199ers,

Remember that you have your first journal due some time the week of April 30th. To help you get started, why don't you journal about the things you hate about Facebook. Tell me what you hate and why. Need inspiration? Check out the 25 Things I Hate about Facebook video.

For your journal, just start a new thread, no need to reply to this one.
